You can use
our Road Map as a Framework to help your Customers get the best out of the Adaptive Product set.
You can request our Presentation on Enterprise Data Management that you can give to your Customers,
or you can ask us a question,
or look at how Adaptive can be used to implement the Road Map.
You can use these Questions
and Self-Assessment Snapshots
to help identify the Stages that your Customers are at.
You can check out some Typical Profiles to see how this works in practice.
We also provide definitions of Topics of current Interest
and suggest some Personal Qualities for Success.
We have designed an Architecture for the very important area of
Master Data Management MDM.
We have developed Kick-Start Databases for a number of
Vertical Applications.
This diagram shows the 6-Stage Architecture in our Road Map for Enterprise Data Management.
Barry Williams Principal Consultant