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BMEWS and BI in the Clouds for Retail Customers 

Man on the Beach for Retail Customers with Cell/Mobile Phone

An Alert is triggered ...
Phone Alarm

When a "spike" is detected ...
Cellphone ECG Monitor

as part of a Risk Dashboard ...
Risk Dashboard

For this demonstration, we have set up a KPI that triggers an Alert if the
Amount of a Purchase is 10,000 or greater.

In this small set of Demonstration Data the last record would trigger an Alert to the designated mobile/cell phone.
This follows the design of our POC Cloud Reference Data Architecture.

And here are the Data Models.

Here's the Data for Retail Customers Proof-of-Concept.

Customer Name Store Name Date of Purchase Amount of Purchase
John Smith Windsor Jan-01-2014 100
John Smith Windsor Feb-01-2014 200
John Smith Windsor Mar-01-2014 300
John Smith Windsor Apr-01-2014 400
John Smith Windsor May-01-2014 500
John Smith Windsor Jun-01-2014 10,000

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