DatabaseAnswers Online Diary View from Parco Paradiso Hotel showing Snow on the Mountains

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Salesforce GAF demo

  My Diary up to 2012
You can look back at my Diary for 2007,2008 and 2009

I am thinking of providing a Salesforce demo, following the table on the left-hand side ...
  • Diary Display with Search, Diary Display with Search (for work), Diary Display (for work) with Salesforce Tasks, Diary Data Entry and Diary Search Results.

    This page shows the results of using my following the MyLifeBits Approach to document everything significant in my Daily Life, along with the associated Digital Assets.
    I used my cell/mobile phone, which is a standard off-the-shelf Internet-enabled Nokia, with Camera and Video.
    We used the camera to photo documents instead of using a scanner.
    The words in bold could be used to tag each Activity for search purposes or to build a dynamic Topic classification.

    Here's an example of Searching my Collection of Digital Assets stored in the Database.
    This page has evolved into a combination Blog, Contacts list, Diary, '2 Do List' Reminder and Work In Progress.
    Here's a diagram of the Database for the My Life Development Project.
  •   I began the original Diary after a Trip with my wife to Lake Lugarno,Switzerland in April, 2007

     Activities and Links
    July 14th. 2012 11.00 pm
    KPI and Blog As part of my new KPI (Key Person of Influence) Program, I started a Blog with WordPress.   Barry's Blog
    March 11th. 2012 4.00 pm
    D Mgt Assessment Check out the Data Management Assessment Questionnaire on the Data Blueprint Web Site.   Data Blueprint Web Site
    March 11th. 2012 4.00 pm
    Maersk Email address for Jean-Thomas Meyer is jtm010 at  
    March 5th. 2012 9.30 pm
    MicroStrategy MicroStrategy is a front-runner in providing Cloud-based BI. MicroStrategty in Gartner
    Conference in Atlanta
    March 4th. 2012 8.30 pm
    BI Ready Consider partnering as System Integrator with BI Ready, Expressor and Teradata (using Amazon in the Clouds). BI Ready
    Expressor Int'l VAR
    Expressor Systems Integrators
    Teradata + Amazon EC2 in Clouds
    Teradata Developer Exchange
    Teradata - Download for Amazon EC2
    Teradata Education Network
    Teradata Express(or)
    March 3rd. 2012 10.30 pm
    Oman Tourist attractions include the Al-Bustan Palace, probably the most famous hotel in the Middle East and the Wahiba Sands Sultan Qaboos Grand Mosque
    Audley Travel
    Cox and Kings
    Voyage Jules Verne
    February 18th. 2012 7.00 am
    Government Cloud (US) A new Initiative reported by Tech America G-Cloud (USA)
    October 9th. 10.00 am
    Splethorne and Termites Contact customer services on 01784 451499 and ask about help with Termites. Spelthorne Customer Services
    October 8th. 11.00 am
    Video Game Development Excellent intro by Wikipedia. Video Game Development
    September 17th. 7.00 pm
    Rental Apt / Hotel in Copenhagen Q Management was used by someone at Maersk - they offer a special deal of 7 days for 3465 DKK
    Phone (+45) 3524 5599.
    Email Hotel Hebron looks OK for weekend deals - but expensive unless they offer a Maersk rate.
    Q Management
    Special Offer
    Hebron Offers
    September 16th. 11.00 pm
    POC for BI in the Clouds WhereScape RED looks good, but maybe not really what I want - Leganto also looks promising but is from Israel - use it as a basis for Oracle Apex Legato
    LinkedIn Discussion
    WhereScape RED DW
    August 20th. 11.30 am
    Enterprise Data Models EDM has three or four generations -
    1) large and unusable but provides valuable info about data in the enterprise. Good for requirements against vendor offerings
    2) - Second generation is smaller, usable, often Canonical and often with specific target such as loading data into a DWH in consistent fmt or messages for ESB/SOA.
    3) - Third Generation - Top-Level with Subject Areas - 3rd. party Models can be dropped into these Subject Areas, (or,of course, be new ones - eg ARTS,Oracle RMS.
    4) State-of-the-Art is to combine Generations two and three.
    Canonical Data Models
    July 17th. 11.30 am
    Book Manga looks promising ;-0)
    CreateSpace ISBN-13: 978-1466237414
    ISBN-10: 1466237414
    Book on Amazon
    Download Options
    Great Review
    July 15th. 11.30 pm
    Book CreateSpace can help in getting published with Kindle.
    Email from CreateSpace goes to
    CreateSpace Homepage
    Design Space
    July 15th. 11.30 pm
    Book Kindle Direct Publishing is a sensible option ;-0) - Use MobiPocket. Kindle
    Getting Started
    June 26th. 11.30 pm
    Book Smashwords - looks like a good one-stop shop -registered with Smashword
    Smashword Description
    My Account
    June 16th. 11.00 pm
    Book Lulu and Blurb and Unbound (?) Blurb
    June 27th. 6.30 am
    Ottawa Very good Telegraph article. Ottawa
    May 10th. 8.00 pm
    Arabic in Oman Looking for a School for N in September - very hot from June to August - so still too hot in early September. AmeriSpan in Oman
    May 2nd. 6.00 pm
    Blonde Highlights Ideas for hair and blonde highlights from Click for large photofrom Rihanna. Rihanna
    May 1st. 10.30 am
    Oracle Apex Ahmed - Username: barry / Pwd: m123/Workspace: BARRY_WSP Ahmed's Apex
    Apex and Amazon
    Apex Hosting Services
    May 1st. 10.00 am
    Oracle Apex New Web Site for Apex Evangelists in the UK looks good ;-0) Apex Evangelists
    Apex Evangelists Blog
    Getting Started with Oracle
    May 1st. 9.30 am
    Oracle Apex
  • Application Express from Application-Outsource -
    Workspace: LOCALFAVOURITES / User Name:FL566 / Pwd: m123
    SQL Developer Access / Schema Information:
    User Name (Schema): localfavourites
    Pwd: (Schema Password): jfdH9qsa
    Host Name:
    Port: 1521
    SID: XE
  • Login
    April 30th. 7.30 pm
    KPIs In his 'XXX' book, Howard Schultz, CEO of Starbucks, describes on page their KPI of Sales Revenue to Installation cost of 2 to 1. He used this to detmemeine which were the 600 places to close in 2009. CloudSleuth
    April 25th. 10.00 am
    Cloud Computing CloudSleuth look interesting and has a very well-designed Web Site. CloudSleuth
    April 25th. 10.00 am
    Al Jarreau Al Jarreau is in the UK in July at the Festival Hall on Sunday, July 3rd. 2011. The Impressions are at the Barbican on June 10th. and Ramsery Lewis is at the Union Chapel BluesFest on July 2nd. Tickets for Al Jarreau
    Tickets for Impressions
    Tickets for Ramsey Lewis
    April 25th. 10.00 am
    Al Jarreau Al Jarreau is in the UK in July at the Festival Hall on Sunday, July 3rd. 2011. The Impressions are at the Barbican on June 10th. and Ramsery Lewis is at the Union Chapel BluesFest on July 2nd. Tickets for Al Jarreau
    Tickets for Impressions
    Tickets for Ramsey Lewis
    April 24th. 10.00 pm
    MS Access This OpenGate site offers some useful Access Add-ons, lile a GUI Builder. OpenGate Software
    April 17th. 10.30 am
    Cheese N likes Swiss Alp Panorama from Waitrose and Barry likes Cropwell Bishop Blue Stilton. Waitrose
    Cropwell Bishop Blue Stilton
    Swiss Panorama Chees
    April 15th. 8.00 am
    Database Concepts Here's a Wipedia entry for some Basic Concepts for my Tutorials. DB Concepts
    April 12th. 8.00 am
    BMEWS Goran says "Let's link BMEWS and Complex Event Processing (CEP)". BMEWS Demo
    Oracle CEP Blog
    April 12th. 7.30 am
    Music Here's a great track called "The Smoke from a Distant Fire" by the Sanford Townsend Band YouTube Video
    April 10th. 11.30 pm
    Cloud Computing Certification and Specialisation with the major players. IBM Specialisations
    Oracle Specialisation
    April 9th. 11.30 am
    Currency Trading Learn to be a Foreign Exchange Trader from Greg Secker Learn the Secrets
    April 9th. 11.10 am
    Living by the River Waters Edge Estate Agents. Waters Edge Homes
    April 9th. 11.00 am
    Car Boot Sale Saturday mornings in Shepperton - highly recommended. Shepperton Car Boot Sales
    April 8th. 9.00 am
    PDF Convert Google "Free PDF Convert" produces lots of results, and here is the first one (from Baltsoft in Lithuania), which runs as a service. Baltsoft
    Free PDF Convert
    March 27th. 9.00 am
    MDM Here's a good Web Site for 'Model-Driven MDM' from Orchestra (Boston and London), with good words for marketing BI services. Agile BI
    Orchestra MDM
    March 27th. 9.00 am
    Music Here's a great African-Funk Band called Orchestre Poly-Rythmo. Cotonou Club CD
    March 25th. 7.00 pm
    Teradata An excellent Site with some good material on Modelling, and an interesting discussion about Logical versus Physical Models.
    KPIs are mentioned in the EDW RoadMap Modelling Paper.
    I signed up for T-Pass on the Teradata Web Site as
    Discussion Idealism vs Reality
    EDW RoadMap Modelling
    Financial Services Model
    Financial Services DWH
    Getting Started
    Insurance Data Model
    Master Data Mgt
    Modelling + Bus Insight(pdf)
    Platform Familty
    Retail Model
    March 25th. 10.30 am
    Avaloq - Swiss Banking Avaloq offers a free e-Learning facility - login elearning, with pwd elearning -
    But there is no material and their email link doesn't work!!!
    eLearning Portal
    March 19th. 10.30 pm
    Data Models Data Model Patterns are great ;-0) and Scott Ambler has written a good 101 level introduciton.. Data Modelling 101
    March 19th. 10.00 pm
    SOA I will design and (maybe) build an Oracle implementation of a Generic BMEWS Data Architecture. To get started, here are some interesting SOA Web Links. BMEWS
    BMEWS Architecture
    Data Model Transformation Patterns
    SOA Consortium
    March 19th. 8.00 pm
    Sony Vaio My Service Tag is C6X03KEG. N's Service Tag is C6039W8F. Sony (UK)
    March 19th. 7.00 pm
    Baroosh Baroosh has introduced a great beer from the States called Blue Moon.
    It is based on a Belgian wheat-style beer and is light and fresh.
    Baroosh (Staines)
    Wikipedia on Blue Moon
    March 19th. 6.30 pm
    BMEWS I came across the Blue Ocean approach to marketing which offers a new concept. Blue Ocean Strategy
    Wikipedia on Blue Ocean
    March 19th. 9.30 am
    TK Maxx I registered with TK Maxx as TK Maxx Web Site
    TKM Retail Data Model
    March 19th. 9.00 am
    Food Diary Weight - 93.4 Kg
    Breakfast - Oats with one small banana
    Lunch - TBD
    Dinner - TBD
    Extras (from Waitrose) -
    - Two Toffee and Pecan Cookies
    - One Oats and Sultana Cookie
    - One bottle of Elderflower water
    December 23rd. 10.30 pm
    BI in the Clouds I have signed up for trials with some BI in the Clouds Services - which all happen to be Open Source Suppliers !!!
    Birt supports Google Maps and Birt Mashups.
    Actuate BIRT On Demand
    December 14th. 9.30 am
    Oracle I will get more involved with Oracle - starting with Steven.Kirby (the SOA guy who hasn't replied to my email of last Thursday). Developer-Days
    December 14th. 9.00 am
    DBA Brand I signed up for a free Global Brand Audit of Database Answers. DadaPro
    November 3rd. 10.00 pm
    Local Authorities In a letter to the Standard, Councillor Colin Barrow of Westminster City Council justifed the merging of services from Hammersmith, Westminster and Kensington and Chelsea. Colin Barrow
    November 2nd. 11.55 pm
    John Holmes 800-0837-252/06266401/818507  
    August 28th. 10.45 pm
    Cloud Dashboards
  • Dashboards in the Clouds from GoodData
  • Good Data
    What is Good Data ?
    August 28th. 10.35 pm
    Cloud Integration
  • Here's something new and interesting - Data Integration "in the Clouds"
  • SnapLogic
    Snap Logic Demo
    SnapLogic and Salesforce
    August 28th. 10.30 pm
    Usability Testing
  • CHECK THIS OUT - 'Usability Testing in the Clouds" from Loop 11.
  • Loop11
    Usability Testing
    July 16th. 8.30 am
  • I was a victim of Identity Theft.
    Someone managaed to steal £54 from Paypal using the name of ROBERT WILLIAMS and the Regatta House address.
    They used an email address I never heard of, which was
    I reported it to the Surrey Police and was given the Incident number of P10217983.
    May 26th. 7.00 pm
  • I attended the IBM Business Partners Day at the South Bank.
  • I decided to be an IBM Global Entrepreneur ;0)
  • I should prepare a demo using IBM Software of my Business Partners Toolkit and my Vision of the Future of Ubiquitous Data/Information - and try to comnbine them for a third Entry linked to IBM's Smarter Planet Vision.
  • They have to be ready by July 2nd and the demo on July 21st..
  • IBM Global Entrepreneur
    IBM Smarter Planet
    My Vision of the Future
    May 9th. 9.30 am
  • Email Geoff and Geoff
  • Marketing material - Egypt, UK,
  • Semantic Web - Call Endeca in Richmond on 0203 166 4400 - their Info Access Platform is similar to my UNiversal Info Arch.
  • Endeca
    My Universal Info Arch
    May 1st. 9.30 am
    Organisations 2 Join I should consider joining
  • DAMA (UK) £30
  • GRI "Fees are from €100 to €10.000"
  • TDWI - £270.
  • Dama (UK)
    April 28th. 11.30 pm
    Oracle Oracle Content is categorised as part of Fusion Middleware and it might be useful for the Glossary-DSriven User Interface. Oracle Content Mgt 
    Oracle Content Mgt Solns
    April 28th. 11.30 am
    Prestatyn Called John at Reeds, Rains on 01745-852-448.
    He recommended I call Property Services Group (PSG) on 01745-344080 to ask them to do a HIP (for £200 +VAT).
    Reeds, Rains  
    April 28th. 11.00 am
    Egypt Booked for "Spotlight on Egypt" and charged 2x£25 to my NatWest Business Card (for N also).
    9.30 am Tuesday, May 18th. in the Hilton Hotel, Reading.
    Create email address for
    Egyptian-British Chamber
    Thams Valley Chamber
    April 28th. 7.45 am
    Glossary The Objective is to develop a Proof-of-Concept for a Glossary-Driven User Interface to establish what is the State-of-the-Art and what is feasible in May, 2010.
    The Approach is :-
    1. Complete the Plan for the Proof-of-Concept (POC).
    2. Create static HTML pages by hand in the POC, and then Database-driven in a Pilot.
    3. Populate 50 Terms in the Glossary (two for each letter except for Q and Z).
    4. Finalize how results are presented to the User.
    An Entry in the Glossary of Terms
    April 28th. 7.30 am
    2DoList Call Reading Chamber of Commerce on 01753-870500 to book for Spotlight on Egypt on 18th. May at 9.30 am in Hilton Hotel, REading.
  • Reply to MelissaData
  • Email Mila - chk at the weekend on TeamTest and reply on Monday.
  • Complete documents for :-
  • Egypt, (also UK with Holloway and MS Research in Cambridge instead of American U and Cairo)
  • Informatica - send draft to David Lyle and then submit entry to nthe Marketplace Contest.
  • Southend - phrase as Strategy with 1 year and 5 year Goals.
    April 28th. 7.00 am
    Louis Perez Phone - 459915  
    April 27th. 8.30 am Informatica I had problems trying to use Informatica Cloud because the Salesforce connection didn't work.
    Dave Lyle (US) - VP Product Strategy -
    Mike Fox (UK Public Sector Sales Mgr) -
    Enter the MarketPlace Contest (closing date is July 30th.)
    Submit an Entry featuring :-
  • Lean Integration - Production Line
  • Community of Prolessionals
  • Self-Service
  • Tutorials
  • Templates - CRM, Government,Law Enforcement.
    Features include - Cloud data integration services, Data Models, Mappings, Reference dictionaries, Tutorials/how-to guides and Vertical industry-specific solutions.
  • Cloud Integration eXchange
    Informatica Cloud
    MarketPlace Contest
    April 27th. 8.30 am Contacts
  • American University in Cairo - Computer Science and Engineering Dept.-
  • AUC New Cairo - E-mail:
    AUC Avenue, P.O. Box 74
    New Cairo 11835, Egypt.
    Phone: +20.2.2615.1000
  • ASG who sell the Rochade Metadata Repository - TDWI BP Awards - is by the Station in Staines.
  • Microsoft Egypt - Phone +202 5393333.
  • Microsoft Research in Cairo - Phone Violet - 00-202-27689700 Tell them this page doesn't work "
  • ASG Rochade  
    April 19th. 9.00 pm Vocabulary UI I posted my Question on Experts-Exchange and LinkedIn. LinkedIn was great and EE was very disappointing. Experts-Exchange
    19th. March 11.00 pm Salesforce & Partners I signed up as a Partner with -
    IBM - IBM ID = / pwd = m123
    Microsoft - / pwd = m3 (ID 2142316)
    Salesforce - / changed to new pwd = m789 on March 19th
    (signed up as for a free Developer account which lasts forever).
    Sign up with Oracle as $500 Silver Partner.
    IBM Login
    M'soft Partner Network
    M'soft Profile
    Salesforce Login
    February 13th 11.00 pm Egypt Starting a business in Egypt - 300 Egyptian Pounds = £35, includes a Methodology
    American Chamber of Commerce
    Embassy in London
    Starting a Business
    Russell Bedford (Cairo)
    Russell Bedford (London)
    January 16th 9.30 pm MyLife Today's Telegraph reports that LG has introduced a Network Attached Server (NAS) device called NZB 1DD1 which will allow you to access files on your home PC over the Internet from anywhere in the world. But it is not mentioned on the LG Web Site, or even Gizmodo. It also mentions a Mobile Media Industry Watcher called Tigerspike which offer an UGC (User Generated Content) Enterprise Digital Platform called Phoenix, which caters for "... mobile, online and social media solutions".
    Tigerspike has a beatuifully designed Web Site.
    Iomega NAS
    January 16th 9.00 pm Salesforce Salesforce has introduced Chatter which is a Platform for building Social Networking Applications. Chatter
    January 9th 5.30 pm Kidjo Angelique Kidjo has a new Album out called Oyo which is worth checking out for downloadable MP3 tracks. Amazon (UK)
    Kidojo on Amazon
    January 2nd. 5.30 pm Laptop Bags London's Knomo ("Knowledge Mobility") Bags are mentioned in today's Daily Telegraph and look great for my new Sony 10" laptop (Vaio W).
    Available at London Luggage in Westfield (Shepherds Bush) and Selfridges.
    For laptops, either the Bungo or (for women) the Leather Slim (£70).
    When you visit the Web Site, at the bottom of the screen, it tracks the products you have looked at. This makes it easier to go back to any of them.
    Maybe that would be useful for Database Answers ?.
    Knomo Screenshot
    Men's Laptop Bag

    Brilliant Web Designs
    Database Answers
    January 1st. 3.00 pm Marketing Sayings of Chairman Andrew :-
  • "The Challenge is to solve their Problem, not getting them to agree with me".
  • [RBW] says "Try a different Approach :-
    • 1. List your skills
    • 2. Determine how they can be packaged to solve different kinds of Problems.
    • eg Tutorials, a Book, Data Modelling, Advice on the State-of-the-Art".

    Home Ask a Question Best Practice Careers Contact Us Data Models Search Site Map