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Here is the Statement of User Requirements
A message from Brenda Weaver. Member #1260, clarifies her Requirements in the following terms.

Thank you for the response, this is a good start. 

What I need to do is be able to charge back to each school, the cost to print the job for them. 

There are many ways to print the job i.e. (cost) color paper, white paper, size - 8 1/2 x 11 Color, White, 11 x 17 Color White. 

I am looking for a way that can trap this information and make less work for me. 

Currently this information is being typed into an Excel Sheet - (just the school and total) and I want to make it automatic.

I have vastly improved their old system, which was taking the tickets sorting them and hand calculating. 

I am looking for a way to improve what I have already started.

My problem is trying to understand how to do the costing end with all the choices ?

I also need to set up (I think) cost centers because there are different type of schools/departments involved 
i.e. High School, Elementary, Maintenance, Food Services etc.

Thank you again for such a quick reply.

I have taken an Access Class, but it never really got into the details how to create a database from the ground up. 

They already had example databases built so you could use it. 

It never gave me the information that I needed to help me understand the concept.

I think this web site will be very beneficial to me, as you explain things in great detail.

Barry's Comments :-
From this description, we can identify a need for :-
  • Cost Centers
  • Costs for resources used in Print Jobs, such as sheets of paper. Relationship between CUSTOMERS and COST CENTERS In the Data Model, I have shown the relationship between CUSTOMERS and COST CENTERS as Optional. In other words, not every Customer is required to provide a Cost Center Code before the Print Job is done. I assume that Customers will usually be required to provide a Cost Center Code, but I have allowed the possibility of making it optional. This provides a degree of flexibility and allows for cases where the Cost Center will be provided later, or emergency jobs where no Cost Center Code can be provided at the time.

  • Barry Williams
    31st. January 2009
    Principal Consultant
    Database Answers


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