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User-Extendable Database
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The Requirements have been defined as follows :-
A Database that can be extended by the non-IT User to define new Tables, Columns and Data.

A. The Tables to implement this User-Extendable Facility include :-
A.1 XTC_All_Columns
A.2 XTC_All_Tables
A.3 XTC_All_Tab_Columns
A.4 XTC_All_Table_Data

Typical XTC Tables include :-
  • Addresses etc. C. How are these Things of Interest related ? C.1 An XTC Entry Types can have one or many Columns. C.2 A Column can appear in zero, one or many Tables. SQL to create XTC Tables ... -- A.1) START OF SQL TO CREATE TABLES FOR XTC DATABASE … DROP TABLE XTC_All_Table_Data CASCADE CONSTRAINTS; CREATE TABLE XTC_All_Table_Data ( user_login_name VARCHAR2(80) NOT NULL, xtc_table_name VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL, rcd_seq NUMBER NOT NULL, col_seq NUMBER NOT NULL, col_char_value VARCHAR2(255) NULL, col_datetime_value DATE NULL, col_number_value NUMBER NULL, datetime_created DATE NULL); ALTER TABLE XTC_All_Table_Data ADD ( PRIMARY KEY (user_login_name, xtc_table_name, rcd_seq, col_seq) ) ; DROP TABLE XTC_All_Tab_Columns CASCADE CONSTRAINTS; CREATE TABLE XTC_All_Tab_Columns ( user_login_name VARCHAR2(80) NOT NULL, xtc_table_name VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL, col_seq NUMBER NOT NULL, key_seq NUMBER NULL, col_name VARCHAR2(30) NULL); ALTER TABLE XTC_All_Tab_Columns ADD ( PRIMARY KEY (user_login_name, xtc_table_name, col_seq) ) ; DROP TABLE XTC_All_Tables CASCADE CONSTRAINTS; CREATE TABLE XTC_All_Tables ( user_login_name VARCHAR2(80) NOT NULL, xtc_table_name VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL, xtc_table_description VARCHAR2(255) NULL, date_created DATE NULL); ALTER TABLE XTC_All_Tables ADD ( PRIMARY KEY (xtc_table_name, user_login_name) ) ; DROP TABLE XTC_All_Columns CASCADE CONSTRAINTS; CREATE TABLE XTC_All_Columns ( col_name VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL, data_type_code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, col_description VARCHAR2(80) NULL, col_length NUMBER NULL, col_typ_values VARCHAR2(255) NULL, col_validation VARCHAR2(255) NULL, col_comments VARCHAR2(255) NULL); ALTER TABLE XTC_All_Columns ADD ( PRIMARY KEY (col_name) ) ; DROP TABLE Ref_Data_Types CASCADE CONSTRAINTS; CREATE TABLE Ref_Data_Types ( data_type_code CHAR(15) NOT NULL, data_type_description VARCHAR2(80) NULL); ALTER TABLE Ref_Data_Types ADD ( PRIMARY KEY (data_type_code) ) ; DROP TABLE Users CASCADE CONSTRAINTS; CREATE TABLE Users ( user_id NUMBER NOT NULL, user_login_name VARCHAR2(80) NOT NULL); ALTER TABLE Users ADD ( PRIMARY KEY (user_login_name) ) ; -- Referential Integrity Constraints … ALTER TABLE XTC_All_Table_Data ADD ( FOREIGN KEY (user_login_name, xtc_table_name, col_seq) REFERENCES XTC_All_Tab_Columns ) ; ALTER TABLE XTC_All_Tab_Columns ADD ( FOREIGN KEY (col_name) REFERENCES XTC_Columns ) ; ALTER TABLE XTC_All_Tab_Columns ADD ( FOREIGN KEY (xtc_table_name, user_login_name) REFERENCES XTC_All_Tables ) ; ALTER TABLE XTC_All_Tables ADD ( FOREIGN KEY (user_login_name) REFERENCES Users ) ;
    Set up dba_admin User just in case ... INSERT INTO users (user_id,user_login_name) VALUES ( 1 ,’dba_admin’); SELECT * FROM users; Entries in these table for an Address Type would be :- 0) In the XTC_All_Columns Table :- col_name data_type_code col_description col_length col_typ_values col_validation col_comments address_id Autonumber ID country Varchar Country line_1_building Varchar Building line_2_street Varchar Street line_3_locality Varchar Locality state_county Varchar State/County town_city Varchar City 1) In the XTC_All_Tables Table :- user_login_name xtc_table_name xtc_table_description date_created dba_admin Addresses List of all Addresses 09/10/2004 2) In the XTC_All_Tab_Columns Table :- user_login_name xtc_table_name col_seq key_seq col_name dba_admin Addresses 1 1 address_id dba_admin Addresses 2 0 line_1_building dba_admin Addresses 3 0 line_2_street dba_admin Addresses 4 0 line_3_locality dba_admin Addresses 5 0 town_city dba_admin Addresses 6 0 state_county dba_admin Addresses 7 0 country 3) In the XTC_Entry_Data Table :- user_login_name xtc_table_name rcd_seq col_seq col_char_value col_datetime_value col_number_value datetime_created dba_admin Addresses 1 1 1 1 09/10/2004 dba_admin Addresses 1 2 The Mansion 09/10/2004 dba_admin Addresses 1 3 17, Thames Side 09/10/2004 dba_admin Addresses 1 4 Laleham 09/10/2004 dba_admin Addresses 1 5 Windsor 09/10/2004 dba_admin Addresses 1 6 Berkshire 09/10/2004 dba_admin Addresses 1 7 England 09/10/2004 SQL to create sample data ... To be done. -- A.2)START OF SQL TO LOAD DATA FOR XTC DATABASE … INSERT INTO xtc_all_columns (col_name,data_type_code,col_description,col_length,col_typ_values ,col_validation, col_comments) VALUES (‘address_id’,’Autonumber’,’Unique Address Identifier’,,,,); INSERT INTO xtc_all_columns (col_name,data_type_code,col_description,col_length,col_typ_values ,col_validation, col_comments) VALUES (‘country’,’varchar2(80)’,’Country’,’ 80‘,’ ‘,’ ‘,’ ‘); INSERT INTO xtc_all_columns (col_name,data_type_code,col_description,col_length,col_typ_values ,col_validation, col_comments) VALUES (‘line_1_building’,’varchar2(80)’,’ ’,’ 80‘,’ ‘,’ ‘,’ ‘); INSERT INTO xtc_all_columns (col_name,data_type_code,col_description,col_length,col_typ_values ,col_validation, col_comments) VALUES (‘line_2_street’,’varchar2(80)’,’ ’,’ 80‘,’ ‘,’ ‘,’ ‘); INSERT INTO xtc_all_columns (col_name,data_type_code,col_description,col_length,col_typ_values ,col_validation, col_comments) VALUES (‘line_3_locality’,’varchar2(80)’,’ ’,’ 80‘,’ ‘,’ ‘,’ ‘); INSERT INTO xtc_all_columns (col_name,data_type_code,col_description,col_length,col_typ_values ,col_validation, col_comments) VALUES (‘state_county’,’varchar2(80)’,’ ’,’ 80‘,’ ‘,’ ‘,’ ‘); INSERT INTO xtc_all_columns (col_name,data_type_code,col_description,col_length,col_typ_values ,col_validation, col_comments) VALUES (‘town_city’,’varchar2(80)’,’ ’,’ 80‘,’ ‘,’ ‘,’ ‘); In the XTC_All_Columns Table :- col_name data_type_code col_description col_length col_typ_values col_validation col_comments address_id Autonumber ID country Varchar Country line_1_building Varchar Building line_2_street Varchar Street line_3_locality Varchar Locality state_county Varchar State/County town_city Varchar City 1) In the XTC_All_Tables Table :- user_login_name xtc_table_name xtc_table_description date_created dba_admin Addresses List of all Addresses 09/10/2004 INSERT INTO xtc_all_tables (user_login_name,xtc_table_name,xtc_table_description,date_created) VALUES (‘dba_admin’,’Addresses’,’ Standard 3-line UK Address’,’ 10-Oct-2004‘); 2) In the XTC_All_Tab_Columns Table :- user_login_name xtc_table_name col_seq key_seq col_name dba_admin Addresses 1 1 address_id dba_admin Addresses 2 0 line_1_building dba_admin Addresses 3 0 line_2_street dba_admin Addresses 4 0 line_3_locality dba_admin Addresses 5 0 town_city dba_admin Addresses 6 0 state_county dba_admin Addresses 7 0 country INSERT INTO xtc_all_tab_columns (user_login_name,xtc_table_name,col_seq,key_seq,col_name) VALUES (‘dba_admin’,’Addresses’,1,1,’address_id’); INSERT INTO xtc_all_tab_columns (user_login_name,xtc_table_name,col_seq,key_seq,col_name) VALUES (‘dba_admin’,’Addresses’,2,0,’line_1_building’); INSERT INTO xtc_all_tab_columns (user_login_name,xtc_table_name,col_seq,key_seq,col_name) VALUES (‘dba_admin’,’Addresses’,3,0,’line_2_street’); INSERT INTO xtc_all_tab_columns (user_login_name,xtc_table_name,col_seq,key_seq,col_name) VALUES (‘dba_admin’,’Addresses’,4,0,’line_3_locality’); INSERT INTO xtc_all_tab_columns (user_login_name,xtc_table_name,col_seq,key_seq,col_name) VALUES (‘dba_admin’,’Addresses’,5,0,’town_city’); INSERT INTO xtc_all_tab_columns (user_login_name,xtc_table_name,col_seq,key_seq,col_name) VALUES (‘dba_admin’,’Addresses’,6,0,’state_county’); INSERT INTO xtc_all_tab_columns (user_login_name,xtc_table_name,col_seq,key_seq,col_name) VALUES (‘dba_admin’,’Addresses’,7,0,’country’); 3) In the XTC_All_Table_Data Table :- INSERT INTO xtc_all_table_data (user_login_name,xtc_table_name,rcd_seq,col_seq,col_char_value,datetime_created) VALUES (‘dba_admin’,’Addresses’,1,1,’1’,’09-OCT-2004’) INSERT INTO xtc_all_table_data (user_login_name,xtc_table_name,rcd_seq,col_seq,col_char_value,datetime_created) VALUES(‘dba_admin’,’Addresses’,1,2,’The Mansion’,’09-OCT-2004’); INSERT INTO xtc_all_table_data (user_login_name,xtc_table_name,rcd_seq,col_seq,col_char_value,datetime_created) VALUES(‘dba_admin’,’Addresses’,1,3,’17, Thames Side’,’09-OCT-2004’); INSERT INTO xtc_all_table_data (user_login_name,xtc_table_name,rcd_seq,col_seq,col_char_value,datetime_created) VALUES(‘dba_admin’,’Addresses’,1,4,’Laleham’,’09-OCT-2004’); INSERT INTO xtc_all_table_data (user_login_name,xtc_table_name,rcd_seq,col_seq,col_char_value,datetime_created) VALUES(‘dba_admin’,’Addresses’,1,5,’Windsor’,’09-OCT-2004’); INSERT INTO xtc_all_table_data (user_login_name,xtc_table_name,rcd_seq,col_seq,col_char_value,datetime_created) VALUES(‘dba_admin’,’Addresses’,1,6,’Berkshire’,’09-OCT-2004’); INSERT INTO xtc_all_table_data (user_login_name,xtc_table_name,rcd_seq,col_seq,col_char_value,datetime_created) VALUES(‘dba_admin’,’Addresses’,1,7,’England’,’09-OCT-2004’); INSERT INTO xtc_all_tab_columns (user_login_name,xtc_table_name,col_seq,key_seq,col_name) VALUES (‘dba_admin’,’Addresses’,7,0,’country’);

    The output from this Code is shown lower down the page. -- From XTC_ALL_TABLES, XTC_ALL_TAB_COLUMNS and XTC_ALL_TABLE_DATA -- Code starts here ... Prompt Displaying XTC Tables in Extended Database Answers set long 30000 set serveroutput on size 3000 Declare v_parent_user_login_name XTC_All_Tables.user_login_name%TYPE; v_parent_xtc_table_name XTC_All_Tables.xtc_table_name%TYPE; v_xtc_table_description XTC_All_Tables.xtc_table_description%TYPE; -- v_child_user_login_name XTC_All_Tab_Columns.user_login_name%TYPE; v_child_xtc_table_name XTC_All_Tab_Columns.xtc_table_name%TYPE; v_child_col_seq XTC_All_Tab_Columns.col_seq%TYPE; v_child_col_name XTC_All_Tab_Columns.col_name%TYPE; v_child_col_description XTC_All_Columns.col_description%TYPE; -- v_data_user_login_name XTC_All_Table_Data.user_login_name%TYPE; v_data_xtc_table_name XTC_All_Table_Data.xtc_table_name%TYPE; v_data_rcd_seq XTC_All_Table_Data.rcd_seq%TYPE; v_data_col_seq XTC_All_Table_Data.col_seq%TYPE; v_data_col_char_value XTC_All_Table_Data.col_char_value%TYPE; -- count_parents number; count_children number; count_data_rcds number; loop_counter number; x_txt_No_Children varchar2(32000); x_txt_Heading varchar2(32000); x_txt_DataRow varchar2(32000); -- Declare First Cursor (Parents) ... Cursor c_Parents is SELECT user_login_name,xtc_table_name,xtc_table_description,date_created FROM scott.XTC_All_Tables ORDER BY user_login_name,xtc_table_name; -- -- Declare Second Cursor (Children) ... Cursor c_Children is SELECT user_login_name,xtc_table_name,col_seq,all_tab_cols.col_name,col_description FROM scott.XTC_All_Columns all_cols ,scott. XTC_All_Tab_Columns all_tab_cols WHERE all_cols.col_name = all_tab_cols.col_name AND user_login_name = v_parent_user_login_name AND xtc_table_name = v_parent_xtc_table_name ORDER BY user_login_name,xtc_table_name,col_seq; -- -- Declare Third Cursor (Data Rcds) ... Cursor c_Data is SELECT user_login_name,xtc_table_name rcd_seq,col_seq,col_char_value FROM scott. XTC_All_Table_Data WHERE user_login_name = v_parent_user_login_name AND xtc_table_name = v_parent_xtc_table_name ORDER BY user_login_name,xtc_table_name,rcd_seq,col_seq; -- Outer Loop for Parents begins here ... BEGIN count_children := 0; count_parents := 0; count_data_rcds := 0; loop_counter := 0; -- For cParents in c_parents LOOP count_parents := count_parents + 1; v_parent_user_login_name := cParents.user_login_name; v_parent_xtc_table_name := cParents.xtc_table_name; dbms_output.put_line('Table Name = ' || v_parent_xtc_table_name); x_txt_Heading :=’| ’; -- For cChildren in c_children LOOP count_children := count_children + 1; v_child_col_seq := cChildren.col_seq; v_child_col_name := cChildren.col_name; v_child_col_description := cChildren.col_description; -- x_txt_Heading := x_txt_Heading || v_child_col_description || ‘ | ’; -- end of Child Row and Heading end LOOP; dbms_output.put_line( x_txt_Heading); x_txt_DataRow := ‘ | ’; For cData in c_data LOOP count_data_rcds := count_data_rcds + 1; v_data_col_seq := cData.col_seq; v_data_col_char_value := cData.col_char_value; x_txt_DataRow := x_txt_DataRow || v_data_col_char_value || ‘ | ’; end LOOP; dbms_output.put_line(x_txt_DataRow); -- end of Parent Loop - end LOOP; dbms_output.put_line('Total Entry Type Count = ' || to_char(count_parents)); dbms_output.put_line('Total Entry Definition Field Count = ' || to_char(count_children)); end; /
    and here's the output ... Table Name = Addresses | ID | Building | Street | Locality | City | State/county | Country | | 1 | The Mansion | 17, Thames Side | Laleham | Windsor | Berkshire | England | Total Entry Type Count = 1 Total Entry Definition Field Count = 7 PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SQL>

  • Barry Williams
    10th. October 2004
    Principal Consultant
    Database Answers


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