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User-Submitted Material
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Hello everyone. 
I am new to this group and very excited about learning more. 
I have built a database to compile services for individual artists. 
I need help with the next phase of my project because it is way out of my realm of knowledge. 

Here is my issue:
I have a database in Access (that will probably have to be moved to MySql). 
I want to create a web-based multi-user database where I can have people assist me in entering data into my permanent database. 

I want the users to have a user name and password to access the database.
I want to be able to approve the information the users submit, and then once approved, I want the information to go into the fields of my existing database.

I have tried to look up tutorials on-line but I don't even know what to look for. 
Is this something that anyone might be able to assist me with ?

I know its an undertaking and i will do the work...I just don't know what the work is. LOL

I appreciate any assistance you can offer.
Thank you!!!! I hope you can help!


Barry says :-
The logic behind the Model says :- 
  • Users can submit Material, which is stored in a Staging Table called Material.
  • After it has been approved by the Moderator it can be entered into the permanent Database.
  • It can then be deleted from the Material Table.
  • Material can be in one of a number of Categories, such a General or Travel Writing".
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