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The Draft Business Rules have been defined and are listed below.
A. The Area being Modelled is :-
  • A Zoo. B. The Things of Interest include :-
    1. Animals
    2. Animal Breeds
    3. Animal Checkups
    4. Dietary Requirements
    5. Food Items
    6. Food Item Categories
    7. Meals
    8. Zoos

    C. How are these Things related :-

    1. An Animal can have one and only set of Dietary Requirements.
    2. Animals have regular Health Checkups.
    3. Each Animal Breed has recommended Daily Dietary Requirements.
    4. Each particular Animal in the Zoo my also have special Daily Dietary Requirements.
    5. A Diet is made up of standard Food Items.
    6. Each Food Item is in a recognized Food Category.
    7. A Zoo can have zero, one or many Animals.

    D. Characteristics of these Things :-

    1. An Animal has :-
    2. A Name, a Data of Birth (if known) and is of a recognised Breed.

    E. User Scenarios :-

    1. An Animal arrives at the Zoo.

    Barry Williams Principal Consultant Database Answers Ltd.
    1st. November 2002

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