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  Components of Global Accountability

THere are four main Components in this Framework. Each can be the subject in its own right, but together they combine to establish a very powerful Framework for measuring and reporting Accountability on a Global scale, for large and small organizations, for MNCs and NGOs alike.

These four Components are :-

  • Participants
  • Best Practice
  • Single Version of the Truth
  • Performance Reporting

  •   Our unique Desperado Development Approach
    Our unique Development Approach incorporates a number of Features :- 
    1) Draft User Interface as HTML Pages.
        1.1 Review with Users and modify as required. 
    2) Review the Components and choose the Data Model that fits.
        2.1 Add Entities from other Data Models. 
    3) Choose from the Library of Solutions Templates
        3.1 Identify any required new Features. 
    4) Define any Extended Table Columns,(XTC_COLUMNS) 
        4.1 This provides on-the-fly tailoring to meet local requirements. 
    5) Enter Requirements in the Data Dictionary
        5.1 Requirements will be received by Administrators. 
        5.2 Dictionary is central to the Development Approach.
    6) Standard Templates provide MetaData-driven Applications development.

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