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Boschendal Estate, South Africa
Here's a draft Outline of the Paper
from TW's email ...

Introduction - the Aim of the Project
The aim of the Project is to examine how the Digital Divide
can be reduced, both through global, regional and local action.

Chapter 1 : The Nature of Globalisation
1.1 A Definition of Globalisation.
1.2 Driving Forces behind it are ...
1.3 A Technological Basis to Globalisation.
1.4 Globalisation is uneven, both geographically and socially.
1.5 Therefore, we have a 'Digital Divide'.
    This term was first coined by (?) and quoted in (?).

Chapter 2 : The Relationship between Globalisation amd ICT
There are some connections between Glob and ICT, for example :-
* development of the Internet, especially private intranets as 
  the means by which TNCs are able to organise production across
  a number of countries.
* e-commerce - groowth of B2B links

Chapter 3 : The Digital Divide 
... uneven access to ICT can be demonstrated by ... ???

Chapter 4 : The Conclusion - can the Digital Divide be bridged ?
4.1 If so, will it ensure that that all cpountries benefit from Globalisation.
4.2 Are there other factros at work which mean that the benefits continue to be reaped 
    by some at the expense of others ?

Chapter 4 : Review of a Have and Have-Not on each side of the Digital Divide
The D-D has an affect on Glob and if it can be bridged then the 'Have-Not' 
Countries, e.g. Ghana, can be brought up to the same level as the 'Haves',
e.g. Malaysia.

This will help ensure that the benefits of Glob are realised more evenly around
the world.
ICT can have an effect in enabling trade liberalisation 
- countries need to make the transition from state-run telecommunications monopolies
to open competitive environments, and to reduce tariffs on imported hardware and equipment.

                      	  HAVE          	     HAVE-NOT
                     	Malaysia    	African Country(e.g. Ghana)
Community Action
Government Support
Internet Cafes
PC Usage

Definitions :-
1) The Digital Divide refers to the perceived gap between those who have access to the 
   latest information technologies and those who do not. 
   From Publishers of Compaine's book, (see below).
   "If we are indeed in an Information Age, then not having access to this information is 
    an economic and social handicap. 
    Some people consider the Digital Divide to be a national crisis, while others consider 
    it an over-hyped nonissue. This book presents data supporting the existence of such a 
    divide in the 1990s along racial, economic, ethnic, and education lines. 
    But it also presents evidence that by 2000 the gaps are rapidly closing without 
    substantive public policy initiatives and spending. 
    Together, the contributions serve as a sourcebook on this controversial issue."
Here is a series of Useful Links (in alphabetical order) :-
  • Book
  • Cyberpath to Development in Asia : Issues and Challenges
    Rao - Dec 2001, (No Star Rating)
    The Publishers say :-
    'Many Asian countries are achieving remarkable success in closing what researchers call "the digital divide" between developing and developed nations, while others continue to struggle. This collection of essays sheds light on the various ways in which the Internet has been harnessed and seen as an opportunity and also the extent to which it has been curbed as a threat. This book fills an urgent need, revealing how the technological revolution has spread, and is spreading, throughout diverse nations.'
  • Book
  • Digital Divide
    Compaine - June 2001, (No Star Rating)
  • Book
  • Breaking the Digital Divide - Implications for Developing Countries
    Murelli, et al - due March 2002 (ISBN: 0850926726)
    This book presents the results of an extensive study of the digital divide, the growth of the internet, online education, health informatics, the net and the economy, regulation of the internet and much more. It is well researched, informative and authoritative. Individuals, organizations and governments with a specialist interest in the transition to an information society and/or knowledge economy will find this book timely.
  • Book
  • Bridging the Digital Divide : Technology, Community, and Public Policy.
    Lisa Servon, due August 2002 (No Star rating yet)
  • Book
  • Digital Divide - Civic Engagement, Information Poverty, and the Internet Worldwide
    Pippa Norris, Oct 2001 (No Star rating)
  • Book
  • The Digital Divide in Developing Countries: An Information Society in Africa
    Nulens, April 2002 (No Star rating)
    The Publishers say :-
    'The technological and political convergence of formerly separate communication areas is offering African countries new opportunities. However, Africa has only taken its first steps on the path toward an information society and is lagging far behind when it is compared to the western countries. It is argued in this book that the way to go is long, difficult, and problematic. Several authors have formulated recommendations that could be helpful to walk this complicated path toward an information society in Africa.'
  • Case Study
  • TBD
  • Miscellaneous
  • International Wiomen's Web Sites

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