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  Propensity Data Modelling

What is it ?
Propensity modelling is the collective name for a new group of statistical techniques that provide a truly objective view of the likely behaviour of an individual customer. It includes all members of society and ultimately, the aim is determine the likelihood of an individual having the "target characteristic", such as needing a social service or becoming a debtor. This approach makes it possible to effectively target Customers needing services in geographically specific areas such as Local Authorities.

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Case Study Eaga An e-Government Case Study.
The CRM Customer Service Centre has a complete view of the customer and Agents can make decisions at the first point of contact with the Customer by using a tailored Knowledge Management System.
Vendors Experian Experian is a market leader in Customer Data, and has established a BehavourBank to forecast propensities for specific Customer behaviour.
Vendors Oracle Relevant products include Oracle Advanced Inbound,Oracle Scripting and the Oracle CRM Suite which provides integrated front and back office systems.
White Paper Institute of Direct Marketing A good introduction from a marketing perspective.

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