Bluebell Wood, Prestatyn, North Wales
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  Midterm Feedback Form (page 273)

Back to the Online Support for Coaching Across Cultures.
This Feedback Form is usually completed after a six-month period of coaching.

SECTION A : Please respond to the following using the scale provided.
A.1 How valuable has the coaching been so far ?

5. Strongly Agree

4. Agree

3. Neutral

2. Disagree

1. Strongly Disagree

A.2 How enjoyable has the coaching been so far ?

5. Strongly Agree

4. Agree

3. Neutral

2. Disagree

1. Strongly Disagree

A.3 Do you find that the coaching is a good investment for you personally ?

5. Strongly Agree

4. Agree

3. Neutral

2. Disagree

1. Strongly Disagree

A.4 Do you find that the coaching is a good investment for the organization ?

5. Strongly Agree

4. Agree

3. Neutral

2. Disagree

1. Strongly Disagree

SECTION B : Respond to the following in narrative form.

B.1 What are your comments overall about the coaching process and sessions ?

B.2 What has the coaching helped you achieve ?

B.3 What have you learned as a result of the coaching ?

B.4 What do you find most valuable and what do you like best about the coaching ?

B.5 What do you find least valuable and what do you dislike about the coaching ?

B.6 How could the coaching be more effective ?

B.7 What specific feedback can you give your coach ?

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