This Site started as a hobby and as a way to help people with Database Questions.
It's turned into a great deal of work, but comments like these encourage me to keep going.
BTW, I found problems with the LI tag with values greater than 20 for which there seems to be no simple solution.
If you scroll down the page you will see what I mean. If you have any suggestions I'd really appreciate hearing them.
- Your site is a god-send. Thank you very much for the tutorials.
I'm still going through your tutorials as I'm teaching myself how to design and build databases.
Thank you again for all of your training and help.
Tim, Sacramento, California. 29th. April 2008.
- Thank you for your sterling endeavours.
Best wishes and thanks,
Bromborough, Cheshire, England. 14th. April 2008.
- Thank You very much. An incredible resource.
Andy, New York, New York. 27th. March 2008
- Your website has been a great resource for me
I will recommend it to anyone else that may be looking for resource sites as well!
Gary, Lewiston, Idaho. 25th. March 2008.
- Great site !
Terry, Atlanta, Georgia. 20th. March 2008.
- Your web site is a great collection and a source of information and models
With Best Regards!
Saif, Orlando, Florida. 11th. January 2008.
- I would like to congratulate you on the magnificient work that you have done on producing all these ERD, on your website.
Florian, Munich, Germany. 4th. January 2008.
- I would like to repeat other people's praise for your effort on the database scheme site.
Your insight into my problem would be greatly appreciated after I join your Database Answers Community.
Noah, Newark, New Jersey. 2nd. January 2008.
- I’d like to Thank you for the fantastic website and database design examples you have provided.
It really does help a newbie understand the layout and design of a database.
Trent, Sydney, Australia. 28th. December 2007
- Your website is such a blessing, and I am happy to join your new Database Answers Community
Thank you !
Pamela, Boston, Mass. 26th. December 2007.
- I stumbled across your website and I must say found it to be of great use.
Nasser, New Delhi, India. 23rd. December 2007.
- I think your new Database Answers Community is a great idea.
it is really nice from you to share your experience with people like me, thanks a lot.
Salvador, Mexico. 22nd. December 2007
- Your website has been extremely helpful.
Shehzad, Lahore, Pakistan. 21st. December 2007.
- I am really impressed to see the content of your Web Site
I appreciate your kindness to share your knowledge to many people across the world.
Sri, Cincinnati, Ohio. 20th. December 2007.
- Cool site first of all. Love it. You're hard core !
Drew, New York, New York. 15th. December 2007.
- It is very impressive site that i found today...Thank you.
Vijay, Mumbai, India. 12th. December 2007.
- Great effort!! Loved the site and found it very useful.
Siddharth, Delhi, India. 10th. December 2007.
- Your website, blogs and videos are a phenomenal resource that is GREATLY APPRECIATED !
Thanks for sharing your database experience and structures.
Joe, Marina del Rey, California. 3rd. December 2007.
- thanks for your great efforts
Amr, Oman. UAE. 23rd. November 2007.
- I absolutely have learned more at your site in two days than in a semester of schooling.
Thank you so much,
Benita, Dayton, Ohio. 3rd. November 2007.
- Good Job dude - I think you are doing a wonderful job on Web for offering data modeling information.
Syed, Columbia, New Jersey. 24th. October 2007.
- Thank you for all your efforts to support those like myself that are still just learning.
Patricia, San Antonio, Texas. 11th. October 2007.
- Your Web Site is Great !
Matthew, Burnaby, BC, Canada. 10th. October 2007.
- Thanks for your lovely site
Al Hedhed, Saudi Arabia. 2nd. October 2007.
- I want to let you know that I really love your site and that it has helped me learn a lot about databases !
John, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. 29th. September 2007.
- Thanks for such a beautiful site and tons of data models, really awesome job, you really deserve for applause,
Muhammad, Cairo, Egypt. 27th. September 2007.
- I’ve been using your site now for the past 6 years to help with my teaching and have found it an amazing resource.
Many thanks for all the useful information and schemas.
Alan, Oxford, England. 26th. September 2007.
- Your site is an outstanding resource for data models.
Thank you for your effort, it is really amazing !
Roland, Antwerp, Belgium. 25th. September 2007.
- This site has been the most help for me.
Tim, Victoria, Texas. 24th. September 2007.
- I am really please to visit your DataBase Answer Site.
I am a member of your site.
Amit, Lucknow, India. 21st. September 2007.
- This site is an amazing resource. Thank you for making life easier !
Phillip, New Haven, Connecticut. 20th. September 2007.
- HI, i love your website it really helped me understand more about Access and has some great stuff which i will continue to use.
Nelufar, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. 15th. September 2007.
- Hi Barry 'life saver' Williams
I first of all must say a big thank you for the wonderful gesture you making to the world of database development.
I cant begin to express how much I've gained since accidentally stumbled onto your website.
Nathaniel, Sierra Leone, Africa. 11th September 2007.
- thank you for your great site , it's great work, i visit your site always,
it contains a rich source of valuable data models,
best regards
Bilal, Mumbai, India. 9th. September 2007.
- great site !
adam, Sydney, Australia. 7th. September 2007.
- Thanks for providing this great service! I love your ERD diagrams.
Jane, Chicago, Illinois. 4th. September 2007.
- Your website is fabulous.
Turey, Cairo, Egypt. 14th. August 2007.
- I can't believe you are so generous, but it is hugely useful.
Andrew, Guildford, Surrey, England. 10th. August 2007.
- I would also like to extend my sincere appreciation for your unbelievably helpful website.
When I stumbled across your web site and found several database models that I could apply almost immediately, it felt like I struck gold.
I’m confident that the Access Databases you’re offering on your website will save me weeks (if not months or even years) of work.
Your generosity and expertise in this area are humbling to say the least!!
Thank you again and very best regards,
Tony, Sammamish, Washington State. 25th. July 2007
- I appreciate very much the work that you do for helping the people.
I am also very surprised to the fact that all this work is served for free,
Arben, Macedonia. 24th. July 2007.
- You have a great site. Do you have a book for all these great models ?
Thank you,
Munther, Palestine. 23rd. July 2007.
- Your site was wonderfully useful to me.
Oso, Lagos, Nigeria. 22nd. July 2007
- I love your site !
Mitch. Vancouver, BC, Canada. 21st. July 2007.
- This is a great site/resource from what I've seen so far.
Gordon, Miami, Florida. 8th. July 2007
- I saw you website and it was fascinating.
Seth, Storm Lake, Iowa. 8th. July 2007.
- Thanks for a great resource !
Al, Mobile, Alabama. 26th. June 2007.
- Thank you for this great site (Database Answers).
I have recently discovered the site, and find it very helpful in conceptually modeling some of my ideas.
Tom. Manchester, New Hampshire. 23rd. June 2007.
- I visited your site and found it very useful.
Ashraf, Khartoum, Sudan, 16th. June 2007
- Thank you for your great web site.
I'm spending many happy hours browsing through the schema you have provided.
I'm a small fry database designer, and it's so interesting to see it done properly.
Nicky, Dublin, Ireland. 9th. June 2007
- what an excellent list of models you have !!
Patrick, Bristol, England. 7th. June 2007
- I found your home page very amazing and very interesting for us, beginners.
Best regards,
Ervin, Belgrade, Serbia. 5th. June 2007
- This seems to be a great place to begin. Thanks for the website
Ben, Albuquerque, New Mexico. 30th. May 2007
- I was delighted when someone recommended I visit your site.
It is exactly what I was looking for, some basic reusable templates for common data models.
Shayne, Regina, Alberta, Canada. 29th. May 2007
- I am impressed by your very helpful work.
Chris, Oxford, England. 24th. May 2007
- Thank you for the wealth of information you have provided on your web site.
Anoosh, Iran. 23rd. May 2007
- Regarding the website, it's very informative and keep up the good work you are doing.
You have brought something very positive on the internet.
Thanks & Regards,
Kaushik, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. 21st. May 2007
- A great website. I'm glad I found you !
Paul, Sydney, Australia. 21st. May 2007
- Thanks for maintaining such a useful site.
Peter, New Haven, Connecticut. 14th. May 2007
- Your site is really cool. it will certainly help me to learn about databases.
Iqbal, Birmingham, England. 12th. May 2007
- I want to thank you for creating Databaseanswers.org. its very helpful for me.
Mesut, Ankara, Turkey, 10th. May 2007
- Your website is really helpful;
Valeria, Lisbon, Portugal. 7th. May 2007
- What a great service you provide.
I welcome your expertise on our situation.
Thank you,
Kathleen, Door County, Wisconsin. 4th. May 2007.
- My appriciate your knowledge sharing with millions of people around the world.
And which is most presious piece of ideas, in my concern.
Aber, Cairo, Egypt. 4th. May 2007.
- Your database models are excellent and are really helping me understand relational databases.
Thank you,
Minot, North Dakota. 4th. May 2007.
- Your designs have given me som great ideas,
and did assist me in thinking more as a database designer.
Thank You
Mahdi, Bahrain, Middle East. 2nd. May 2007.
- Your website and information has been fantastic in my learning of the database and especially data modeling.
Scott, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 1st. May 2007.
- i found this stuff very interesting and i must say this can be of very great help for me...
Great job i must say...
Revatish, New Delhi, India. 29th. April 2007.
- I found your site very helpful for me to make the first steps into the world of database design
Gregoris, Athens, Greece. 25th. April 2007.
- Thank you for sharing your work !
Heather, New Albany, Ohio. 24th. April 2007.
- The schema you provide is great, thank you for your good work.
Emem, 24th. April 2007.
- thank you for your very useful site, it has taught me a lot
Joaquim, Mexico City, Mexico. 24th. April 2007.
- I want to thank you your web! is great!
Thanks a lot in advance
Yolanda, Lisbon, Portugal. 23rd. April 2007.
- Congratulations for such a nice & easy site.
Sergio, Santiago, Chile. 21st. April 2007
- I'm a big fan of your website. It's helped me immensely in my studies.
Thank you so much.
Jeff, Mobile , Alabama. 21st. April 2007.
- Keep up the good work.
Amaro, Kogarah, NSW, Australia. 12th. April 2007.
- Thanks for your time - the website is brilliant.
Alan, Dublin, Ireland. 1st. April 2007.
- Your schemas are a terrific way to see the creation of a database – thanks so much for this site.
Dan, Columbus, Ohio. 30th. March 2007.
- Amazing resource by the way – thank you.
Simon, Oxford, England. 27th. March 2007.
- Thanks a lot for this amazing web site.
John, Sydney, Australia. 26th. March 2007.
- Your site was very helpful.
Oly, Vancouver, Washington State. 23rd. March 2007.
- Thank you very much for contributing to the database community.
Dan, Laramie, Wyoming. 21st. March 2007.
- Thank you for your data models.
All the best,
John, Newark, New Jersey. 18th. March 2007.
- Thanks for all helpful information on your site,
it's gift for all db guys.
Mohammed. Alexandia, Egypt. 12th. March 2007.
- i'm really glad i find your website with a lot of databases
thanks for a great website and more power
anwar, iloilo city, philippines. 8th. March 2007.
- Thank you for these data models. Your site and efforts are a great resource. Please continue your efforts.
Mark, Montgomery, Alabama. 7th. March 2007.
- I came across your site in a google search and it has been really helpfull.
Andrew, Bristol. England. 6th. March 2007.
- I am from Kenya and would like to take this opportunity to thanks you for the commendable help you are giving us.
may God bless you with more will and power
David, Kenya, Africa. 23rd. February 2007.
- I was impressed by your passion and generosity.
Alexandre, Rwanda. 18th. February 2007.
- I was looking at your website and I think it is excellent.
It was very useful for helping me out in my database project.
Thanks for your help and the website.
Raam, Manila, Phillipines. 16th. February 2007.
- I commend the way you go about doing this,it’s a model others should aspire to.
Peter, Cary, North Carolina. 14th. February 2007.
- Top Job on The database models. not that i'm an expert, just a beginner.
Sharon, Sydney, Australia. 12th. February 2007.
- I found your site very informative and helpfull.
Thanks for offering such a great resource.
Paul, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. 8th.February 2007.
- Thank you for creating a user-friendly website and for your assistance which is much appreciated.
Laura, Honolulu, Hawaii. 8th. February 2007.
- I would like to thank you for creating and maintaining such a wonderful and valuable website.
I’ve found your tutorials to be extremely helpful.
Dave, Columbus, Ohio. 7th. February 2007.
- I just found your website. It is really cool.
Jeff, Miami, Florida. 3rd. February 2007.
- I find your site very helpful. Thanks for your work.
Paul, Seattle, Washington. 31st. January 2007.
- I've just been looking at your tutorial. Nice work, I must say.
Kind regards
Paul, Teeside, England. 30th. January 2007.
- I found your site very informative and I really liked how it showed so many examples of databases.
I really appreciate all the hardwork that you have put into the site,
as I am learning quite a bit about relations and such from looking at your examples.
Aaron, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. 28th. January 2007.
- You offer so many schema examples your work must have saved a lot of time and effort for people in need of databases.
Pericles, Athens, Greece. 24th. January 2007.
- I found your work wonderful.
What you developed as the samples would provide much guide and help.
Mohammad, Oxford, England. 22nd. January 2007.
- I just want to thank you for your time and work. I think it's great that such web-sites exist. Keep up the work.
Viktor, Skopje, Macedonia. 19th. January 2007
- I have just found your website and this is really a great resource !
Pedro, Brussels, Belgium. 16th. January 2007.
- I am an avid fan of your site. I've been looking through your Data Models and I find it fascinating.
Davis, Manila, Philippines, 11th. January 2007.
- Your site is excellent.
Joe, Hamilton, Bermuda. 29th. December 2006.
- Hi, I'm encouraged to find a site like yours !
Mario, Zagreb, Croatia, 28th. December 2006.
- Really I can’t find apt word to thank you for your tremendous efforts without gaining anything, and just to help the database community.
Sorry, I am not sound in English, so thanks, thanks, and thanks from my heart.
Really very rare people do like this.Really GREAT.
Thanks again
With Warm Regards,
Meganathan, Mumbai, India. 20th. December 2006.
- Your site and models are very well organized and contain a lot of useful information.
Charlie, Hillsborough, New Jersey. 18th. December 2006
- Great Site !! - Keep up the good work !
Simon, Dunsfold, England. 10th. December 2006.
- Your site is brilliant.
Thanks for all your help.
Mike, Dublin, Ireland. 21st. November 2006.
- Good Web Page !
Thx a lot.
Renzo, Lima, Peru. 14th. November 2006.
- Hi, I am very impressed with site.
Nadeem, Gujrawala, Pakistan. 3rd. November 2006.
- i've just surf on ur website and i have found what i wanted. thanks for all your great work.
Bilal, KL, Malaysia. 1st. November 2006.
- Really good website , enormous help to a database novice like me !
Herman, Prestatyn, Wales, UK. 26th. October 2006.
- I’ve come across your website and ventured into your very helpful database models.
It has given me a greater insight in how I should construct my Database for my End user.
I would highly appreciate your help.
Ian, Edinburgh, Scotland. 18th. October 2006.
- Thank you so very much for your generosity and the time you devoted to create the databases.
Alice, San Antonio, Texas. 16th. October 2006.
- i would like to thank you for your website which has been of great help to me.
Adarsh, Mauritius, Indian Ocean. 14th. October 2006.
- Thanks again for your generosity, Barry.
warm regards from the cool mountains of New Mexico,
Jeff, Santa Fe, New Mexico. 12th. October 2006.
- God bless you and your enormous choise of datamodels. They're really interesting.
Elly, Curaçao, Netherlands Antilles. 11th. October 2006.
- Great site !
Gwen, Orlando, Florida. 11th. October 2006.
- You maintain probably the best data modeling list on the web.
Thanks for keep this site up to date !
Tom, Lexington, Kentucky. 11th. October 2006.
- Wow, I am very new to database design but I am learning so much from you
providing access to all your hard work.
Thank you.
Mike, Manchester, England. 8th. October 2006.
- Your Tutorial was just what I was looking for to refresh my knowledge of database modeling !
Thank you for the time you've invested and I will visit this site often !!!!
Luke, Houston, Texas. 8th. October 2006.
- Thanks for your cool website and good collection of database schema you offer the Development community.
Appreciate your time and efforts.
Auro, Manila, Philippines. 6th. October 2006.
- I have visited several times your portal, it seems to me to be very good and educational, since I can see 350 examples.
Angel, Caracas, Venezuela. 2nd. October 2006.
- Thanks and more power to u !
Dave, Atlanta, Georgia. 2nd. October 2006.
- First off i want to thank you for what you have contributed to the db community.
Being able to view your examples has helped me quite a bit understanding logical ways of building a database.
John, Liverpool, England. 1st. October 2006.
- First, I would like to thank you for your web page, Databaseanswers.org.
I teach an intro data modeling class and your models certainly promote discussion !
Rose, San Francisco, California. 28th. September 2006.
- Hey, I just wanted to let you know I reference your site for info. Thanks.
Atlanta,Georgia. 27th. September 2006.
- We talked a few months back. I was and am still very thankful for your site.
Thank you
Tom, New York, New York. 26th. September 2006.
- Your site has proven to be very useful and a great help.
Many thanks
Phil, New Haven, Connecticut. 26th. September 2006.
- Thanks for having free data models for all to use.
Anne, Basking Ridge, New Jersey. 25th. September 2006.
- Thank you for your generosity in creating such an informative site !
I aspire to be as knowledgeable as yourself some day.
Thank you for your help and knowledge !
Terry, Pewaukee, Wisconsin. 24th. September 2006.
- hey thanks for the database models !
I appreciate you putting the models out there for consumption.
Jeff, Taos, New Mexico. 22nd. September 2006.
- Hi there great website you have.
Nick, London, England. 19th. September 2006.
- Looking at your website I would like to thank you and let you know how great it looks.
All the best
Mark, Oxford, England. 18th. September 2006.
- Wonderful website you have.
Many thanks.
Igor, Croatia. 17th. September 2006.
- Congratulations on your well informed site
and to you personally for giving something back to the Community.
Thank you
Bernadette, Perth, Western Australia. 16th. September 2006.
- Your site is great!! Thank you for providing so many examples !
Ryan, Hayward, California. 15th. September 2006.
- Many thanks for your fantastic site !
Daniel, Melbourne, Australia. 15th. September 2006.
- Thank you for making available all of the database related material on your website.
I truly appreciate your generosity.
Brian, Prince Edward Island, Canada. 14th. September 2006.
- I must say your generosity in offering your data models for free is appreciated.
I am trying to learn how to create databases and this looks like a great place to start.
Scott, New Castle, Pennsylvania. 14th. September 2006.
- I love your website; I would love to help.
Aaron, Munich, Germany. 13th. September 2006.
- Thank you for your wonderful database website.
Steve, Dublin, Ireland. 13th. September 2006.
- I have just discovered your site and find it extremely useful and informative.
Anne, London, England. 13th. September 2006.
- I were very impressed by your free works for Database Design Society.
Thank you very much!
Best regards,
Nguyen, Hanoi, Vietnam. 10th. September 2006.
- I am a graduate student and found your amazing and rich website.
Rafael, Miami, Florida. 8th. September 2006.
- your site is wonderful, and i love your car sales database.
Patti, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. 8th. September 2006.
- Thank you very much for your fantastic site.
Albert, Jakarta, Indonesia. 7th. September 2006.
- Thank you for a very useful service to education...
Frank, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. 6th. September 2006.
- Thanks for all your hard work. Great resource !
Matt, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 5th. September 2006.
- Hey barry I think your website is a great resource for people.
You have is an excellent resouce.
Nathan, Ontario, Canada. 4th. September 2006.
- Awesome site - For a newbie like me, your site is simply so good.
very best regards
Ken, Canary Islands, Spain. 15th. August 2006.
- Your site is great!! Thank you for providing so many examples !
Ryan, Hayward, California. 14th. August 2006.
- I have been using your database guides quite extensively, and I think they are very useful,
and I VERY much appreciate the models. They have given me a real grasp of database modeling.
Neal, Lincoln, Nebraska. 13th. August 2006.
- Thank you so much for providing such wonderful source of information
and the quick starts on data models as well as for your help in making me learn about data modeling.
Thanks again.
Keyse, Des Moines, Iowa. 12th. August 2006.
- Hello! Your website is very helpful.
Nick, San Jose, California. 11th. August 2006.
- thank you for providing a data model and helping me as I learn
Denis, Montreal, Quebec. 10th. August 2006.
- I want to say that your website is wonderful. I have learned a lot thus far.
Angelique, Chattanooga, Tennessee, 27th. July 2006.
- Ihis web site is awesome.
Louis, Scotch Plains, New Jersey. 21st. july 2006.
- Thank you SO MUCH for providing such a wonderful resource.
Dale, San Jose, california. 20th. July 2006.
- Your web site has actually being educative and very help full.
Sunit, Bombay, India. 17th. July 2006.
- I must commend you for your contribution in providing database models.
Many thanks
Emmanuel, Lagos, Nigeria. 9th. June 2006.
- Thank you for creating and maintaining your website.
Harry, Fairfield, Connecticut. 2nd. June 2006.
- Thank you very much for taking the time in your busy schedule and sending me those nifty databases.
Hassan, Houston, Texas. 1st. June 2006.
- Hi there looking at you site absolutely fantastic there is a god lo !
Sam, Oxford, England. 24th. May 2006.
- Thank you so much. Your website provides such helpful information for me.
Norma, KL, Malaysia. 23rd. May 2006.
- I just wanted to write and thank you and your staff for this wonder web site !!!
Thank you very much for taking the time to make this web page available.
Sharon, Tulsa, Oklahoma. 12th. May 2006.
- Thanks for a work being well done.
I had a look at your Site and instantly fell in love with it.
There are good articles on Data Modelling and am quite sure many people must have attested to that fact.
Geoffrey, Malawi, Africa. 11th.May 2006.
- May Almight God Bless you for this website that you have provided for people like us.
Robert, Newark, New Jersey. 28th. April 2006.
- Keep up the good works. Thank you for your help. I'll be back.
I have bookmarked your site for a long time.
Mike, Greenford, England. 22nd. April 2006.
- Thank you for providing enormous help to database designer people who is looking for help.
Kagan, Turkey. 17th. April 2006.
- This fantastic - thank you soooo much for your help. You are a Godsend !!!
Marti, Baton Rouge, Louisiana. 14th. April 2006.
- GREAT website !
Bevin, Smarr, Georgia. 28th. March 2006.
- Thanks for the great website.
Sherif, United Arab Emirates. 25th.March 2006.
- Thanks a lot (much, much, more) for your web site !!!
Han, Korea. 20th. March 2006.
- I want to thank you for such an informative website.
Scott, Atlanta, Georgia. 16th.March 2006.
- You have an amazing site with very useful models
Monica, Auckland, New Zealand. 14th. March 2006.
- Thank for providing such informative site.
Nauman, Lahore, Pakistan. 12th. March 2006.
- Nice site… I like what you are doing.
John, Salt Lake City, Utah. 10th. March 2006.
- Your website is a brilliant way to learn about databases,
I really think your website is a big asset to the database community.
I found your tutorial easy to follow and very informative, even for a beginner ... GREAT!!!
Saqib, Rawalpindi, Pakistan. 3rd. March 2006.
- I saw your design items - truly impressive.
My goodness - but you have done some great work here!!
Thanx a ton for a great resource !!
Trent, Johannesburg, South Africa. 3rd.March 2006.
- i visited ur site that was really cool.
vipin, Bombay, India. 3rd.March 2006.
- Thank you for the web site and all your great work on data models, Has helped me and all my friends.
Bent, Bangkok, Thailand. 1st. March 2006.
- What a fantastic site you have created for helping mere mortals like me.
Kind Regards
Andy, Edinburgh,Scotland. 1st.March 2006.
- Many Thanks for your great site.
I use it as a teaching aid for my students - I hope you do not mind !
John,Barnsley, England. 1st.March 2006.
- I am impressed by the work you carry out.
It's nice to see people like yourself to carry out this sort of work as it aids the developers.
Mo, Gloucester, England. 24th. february 2006.
- Your web site is a great resource for understanding the databases and the concepts.
Anitha, Bombay, India. 18th. February 2006.
- Your site is spectacular !
Thank you.
Jessie, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 12th. February 2006.
- Many thanks for putting all these sample Databases on the web.
Mark, Keller, Texas. 10th. February 2006.
- Thanks for your help. The website is very useful.
Hayley, San Jose, California. 7th. February 2006.
- Hi - great website - well done.
Brian, Hull, England. 6th. February 2006.
- Your site is terrific.
Carolyn, Gary, Indiana. 26th.January 2006.
- You have a lot of nice concepts where databases can be applied.
Keep up the excellent work you do in your site and thanks in advance.
Jaime, Juarez, Mexico. 23rd. January 2006.
- You page is really great. You’re a great person. Indeed.
It’s really very responsible to share your wisdom and knowledge with people who want also to
learn somethink about databases.
You’re going a great job to this society, if there were more people like you, the world would be much nicer !
Vladimir, Slovakia. 20th. January 2006.
- Your website is one of a kind.
Best regards,
Kaushal, Columbus, Ohio. 18th. January 2006.
- I am very impressed with your website.
Magdi, London, England. 14th. January 2006.
- I came across your site at Databaseanswers.org and I think what you've done is terrific.
Rich, San Francisco, California. 12th. January 2006.
- Thank you for making your information available to everyone.
I'm learning relational databases and your designs helped me with an issue I was struggling with.
Carlos, Redwood City, California. 9th. January 2006.
- Thanks Barry for the help getting started with my database.
Best Regards
Wayne, Lansing, Illinois. 8th. January 2006.
- Thanks for sharing these designs on your website.
Mohsin, Cairo, Egypt. 30th. December 2005.
- I 'm very impressed with your contribution toward database modelling.
Best regards.
Emmanuel, London, England. 29th. December 2005.
- Thank you for your website, it has helped me many times in my career of being a DBA.
Sean, Seattle, Washington. 16th. December 2005.
- Thank you for creating this web site of yours, it is a great help to many people,
who want to learn Database development.
Francis, Singapore. 9th.December 2005.
- Your website is great. Well done.
Gita, Bethpage, New York. 8th. December 2005.
- Thank you for putting together such a great resource and making it available on the web !
It is an absolutely indespensable site! Your data models are helping me out a lot.
Thanks again for maintaining such a great resource!
Scott, Great Barrington, Mass. USA. 27th. November 2005.
- Wow,thank you for this generous contribution by offering these models for free for all of us to benefit from
in learning how to develop better systems.
I had visited your site a couple of years ago and was very impressed to visit it again today
and find that your library of models has grown significantly.
Fares, Athens, Greece. 26th.November 2005.
- Thanks for the nice helpful site you got.
Aza, Oxford, Engand. 25th. November 2005.
- Your list of Database Modelling Tools is very helpful.
Jouni, Espoo, Finland. 24th. November 2005.
- I am impressed with your pages. I thank you for it.
Luis, Cali, Colombia. 23rd.November 2005.
- Thank You ! You have an awesome site. It is a real service to the database community.
Robert, New York City, USA. 10th.November 2005.
- Later, and sincere thanks for your wonderful site - it's a fine work indeed.
Steve, University of Memphis, Tennessee. 10th. November 2005.
- Thank you very much for your very interesting website, good examples and much stuff.
Ari, Helsinki, Finland. 8th. November 2005.
- Thank you for your website and the very helpful information you have provided.
George, Toronto, Canada. 10th. November 2005.
- i want to thank-you for this site as it has helped me a lot.
Valerie, Oxford, England. 4th. November 2005.
- Thank you for your website and the data models.
George, Washington, DC. 3rd. November 2005.
- What a great site !
Sharon, Chicago, Illinois. 2nd. November 2005.
- Thanks for a cool site.
Rick, Valencia, California. 30th. October 2005.
- i would like to thank you for providing examples on database models,
it has helped me out a lot in my database class.
Thanks a lot for all your help.
Dr. Phil, Dayton, Ohio. 22nd. October 2005.
- I teach Analysis & Design at University. I find your site very interesting.
Richard, Dallas, Texas. 17th. October 2005.
- I came across your website, its great, a nice resource.
Thanks for the help.
Pete, Musterland, Germany. 16th. October 2005.
- You do very impressive work.
Jason, Newton, Iowa. 14th. October 2005.
- Thanks, Barry, for providing such a valuable resource for students and nascent data modelers like myself.
Luis, San Francisco, California. 7th. october 2005.
- The world might be a better place if everyone would follow your example.
It is extremely refreshing to see someone like your self giving freely
his time and knowledge to less experienced individuals.
Thank you,
Les, Cleveland, Ohio. 6th.October
- I checked your site and it is a wonderful way of you helping others new to this field.
Megha, Charlotte, North Carolina. 5th. October 2005.
- Thank you for the data models you have published on the web.
I have found your models very interesting and very helpful.
Tim, Addison, Illinois. 4th. October 2005.
- First off, let me say that I think your site is incredible!
It has really helped me in the hands-on understanding of data modeling.
You have my very sincere gratitude for the wealth of knowledge encompassed in your web site!
Kathleen, Arcade, New York. 29th. September 2005.
- Hello sir, good day, thanks for the Excellent Site you have.
Rolan, Manila, Philippines. 27th. September 2005.
- Thank you for sharing this valuable information.
James, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. 26th. September 2005.
- i want to thank you for your great information you provid us with.
very thanks sir,
Mohmmed, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. 22nd. September 2005.
- Love your site !
Michael, St. Paul, Minnesota. 21st. September 2005.
- THANKS for the excellent resources you have put on the web !
Edgard, Republic of Panama, 21st. September 2005.
- I found your website and WOW it has so much information !
Thank you!
Justine, Charlotte, North Carolina. 16th. September 2005.
- Your designs have really helped me a lot.
Joshua, Vancouver, BC, Canada. 16th. September 2005.
- I came across your site and was excited to see your Wedding planning database.
Thanks so much !!
Allison, Dartmouth, Devon, England. 15th. September 2005.
- I was really impressed with your collection of "data models".
Have a nice day
Felix, Melbourne, Australia, 14th. September 2005.
- I would like to let you know how much I appreciate your help.
Thanks again.
Brian, Leighton Buzzard, England. 11th. September 2005.
- Great site !
Kent, Tallahassee, Florida. 9th. September 2005.
- I would like to thank for the great efforts from your site.
Majar, Islamabad, Pakistan. 8th. September 2005.
- Your website is a great help !
Thank you, Melinda, New Haven, Connecticut. 3rd. September 2005.
- Thanks for posting all of these data models. I find them useful and thought-provoking.
Bill, Palo Alto, 26th. August 2005.
- Thanks for the great job you provide to the community.
Once again, thanks for your precious help
Best Regards
Carlos, Cancun, Mexico. 25th. August 2005.
- Greetings! Thanks & Godspeed.
Herson, Manila, Philippines. 12th. August 2005.
- I have just come across your web site, and it is just what I have been looking for !
Steve, Windsor, England. 11th. August 2005.
- Hi, great job on your site
Ronnie, Montreal, Quebec. 29th. July 2005.
- Thanks for the great work with your valuable website.
Hans-Ulrich, Fribourg, Switzerland. 23rd. July 2005.
- Thank you for the material
My best regards,
Cesar, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 22nd. July 2005.
- I'm very impressed of the work you have done!
after visiting your website on and off for a couple of months now.
Peter,Stockholm, Sweden. 12th. July 2005.
- Thanks, Barry.
Randy, Salt Lake City, Utah. 7th. July 2005.
- Great site…
Best Regards,
Jeff, Louisville, Kentucky. 27th. June 2005.
- great website
Tom, Mobile, Alabama. 23rd. June 2005.
- I think it's very kind you posted all those models, they're very usefull.
Siki, Yugoslavia. 27th. May 2005
- Thank you for making the immense resources in your website available!
Thank for your valuable assistance.
Leo, Benin, Nigeria. 23rd. May 2005.
- I think Database Answers is a great website.
Thank you.
Fadi, Kuwait. 21st. May 2005.
- Thank you for keeping this very interesting website available for everyone who wants to learn how to make a database.
Carel, The Netherlands. 10th. May 2005.
- Thanx for all that big contribution you are making to the public.
I am really so pleases for all that.
Alex, Makere, Uganda. 21st. April 2005.
- Barry, Thanks for the insight...your data models are a great help to folks like us...
keep up the great work!
Robert, Windermere, Florida. 20th. April 2004.
- Thank you so much for your great efforts to design such databases , that available for free for any one.
Best Regards.
Ahmed, Islamabad, Pakistan. 19th. April 2005.
- I just joined your wonderful site!
Dennis, Columbus, Ohio. 17th. April 2005.
- Thank you for publishing your data kick start relationships.
David, Sacramento, California. 15th. April 2005.
- Many thanks for your great models.
Beverley. Gloucester, England. 9th. April 2005.
- You guys have done a great work for the database developer community.
Nimesh, Mumbai, India. 8th. April 2005.
- I stumble upon your website and marveled at your work.
Paa, Zanzibar. 7th. April 2005.
- Thank you for the great resource.
Steve, Ontario, Canada. 28th.March 2005.
- Thank u very much for the work u are doing.I like the website very much.
Abdeltif, Delft, The Netherlands. 27th. March 2005.
- I wish to thank you for such a resourceful website you have.
Raymond, Kampala, Uganda. 26th. March 2005.
- What a wonderful site you have. Your data models are wonderful examples.
Thank you so much.
Pat, Phoenix, Arizona. 25th. March 2005.
- Thanks. I appreciate what you are doing for database community.
Faisal, Bladensburg, Maryland. 21st. March 2005.
- Congrats to that page.
I haven't seen so much data modelling knowledge anywhere else, really good work :)
Korbinian, Dachau, Germany. 16th. March 2005.
- Thanks for offering such a great web site where people can learn about working with databases.
Colin, Muskoka, Ontario, Canada. 14th. March 2005.
- Thanks! Very helpful site.
Matt, Kingston, England. 10th. March 2005.
- I love reading your website. Its very informative.
Thank you so much for the content you have put up at the website.
Mubeen, Reno, Nevada. 9th.March 2005.
- Barry,I have to tell you again how great this site is ...
I just wanted you to know your site is being used and is very helpful.
Zach, San Diego, California. 3rd. March 2005.
- I wanted to take a moment to send you a quick note of thanks for your library of data models.
I very much appreciate the time and effort you've put into this endeavour.
Jason, Oxford, England. 3rd. March 2005.
- Just been to your website databaseanswers and found it extremley useful.
Peter, Houston, Texas. 2nd. March 2005.
- Very helpful site you have there. learning access from the ground up is very helpful.
Adam, Montreal, Canada. 1st. March 2005.
- Thank you kindly for providing such a fabulous insight for budding Database Developers.
Kind regards and appreciation
Peter, Surfers Paradise, Australia. 22nd. February 2005.
- Great web site. My friend suggested I check it out.
Zach, San Diego, California. 20th. February 2005.
- Hi, great site. We part-time data managers appreciate your generosity and experience.
Kevin, Marina del Rey, California. 18th. February 2005.
- I found your site today and I really appreciate what you are doing!
Stephani, Wichita, Kansas. 17th. February 2005.
- I was highly impressed with the array of different data models you have listed.
Thank you for your knowledge sharing – it is great
Hein, Johannesburg, South Africa. 11th. February 2005.
- I must say, you have a very good list of Data Models avaible,
and Have looked thru alot of them and is helping me.
thanks for any help you can give.
Ivan, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. 10th. February 2005.
- A great site. thank you very much.
Ricky, Los Angeles, California. 9th. February 2005.
- Thanks for everything you put on your site! It has been really useful.
Anna, Sydney, Australia. 5th. February 2005.
- Thank you very much for providing such a great and helpfull tutoials for us.
for me this is a point of turning.
thank again sir
Ahmed, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. 4th. February 2005.
- Thank-you very much for the Data Model Library Kick-Start.
You saved me a bunch of work in terms of planning and design. I really appreciate it.
Alex, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. 3rd. February 2005.
- Thank you to give us the opportunity to learn Access on an easy way.
Best Regards,
Alex, Antwerp, Belgium. 2nd. February 2005.
- Let me say thanks for offering your Database Answers website and related models.
Great service, indeed.
Jason, Dusseldorf, Germany. 30th. January 2005.
- Thanks for your great site.
Sameh, Doha, Qatar, Arabian Gulf. 13th. January 2005.
- Your work is great.
Have a nice day
Adel, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. 12th. January 2005.
- Great site.
Michael, Dublin, Ireland. 11th. January 2005.
- A great site! Lot of helpfull information.
Shazzad, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 10th. January 2005.
- Thank you very much for sharing the knowledge you have acquired through your experience.
It has been a very useful site.
Anand, Lahore, Pakistan. 10th. January 2004.
- Nice site .
Judy, Londonderry, New Hampshire. 7th. January 2005.
- Thanks for the awesome site!
I understand your statement about giving back to the db community.
There's a lot of great people out there who will give extraordinarily
detailed advice about things just for the sake of helping.
Kevin, Lexington, Kentucky. 28th. December 2004.
- Your site is really GREAT!!!!!. It's very usefull.
Thanks a lot.
Jocelyne. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. 27th. December 2004.
- Your web site on Database Answers has saved me a tremendous amount of time
in trying to design a database for my business which is the insurance business.
Thank you.
Rick, Minot, North Dakota. USA. 26th. December 2004.
- A friend in need is a friend indeed - Thank you for all your help and kindness.
Nazma, Marina Del Rey, California. 17th. December 2004.
- I wanted to say thanks for putting together a great website with a wealth of information.
Kind Regards,
James, London, England. 15th. December 2004.
- Have a great day, and you have a neat website.
Susan, Houston, Texas. 8th. December 2004.
- Great to find your site.
Joseph, Hyderab ad, India. 3rd. December 2004.
- Great site. Many thanks.
Keep up the good work!
Abdul, Melbourne, Australia. 26th. November 2004.
- Thank you for a wonderful web site!
Frank, Billings, Montana. 24th. November 2004.
- Thank's very much for your nice care,i'am very pleasure with your excellent site.
Haitham. Cairo, Egypt. 16th. November 2004.
- I can’t thank you enough for your site and the service you’re providing.
Kindest Regards,
Tim, Marina del Rey, California. 15th. November 2004.
- Great site!
Thank you very much,
Jon, Boulder, Colorado. 14th. November 2004.
- I found your site to be both informative and easy to use.
Thank you for assisting in our future developement.
Mark, Los Angeles, California. 10th. November 2004.
- Congrats on the good work displayed at the your site !
Thanks a lot in advance. You surely have a big heart to put lot of your work on site for free.
Ajay, Bombay, India. 5th.November 2004.
- Great site, extremely useful.
Mike, Cambridge, England. 1st. November 2004.
- I continue to get good use of your site with database programming students
here at a college in Sydney, Australia!
We gratefuly appreciate it!
Susie, Sydney, Australia. 30th. October 2004.
- Congratulations on your work. I really like it.
Richard, Dijon, France. 29th. October 2004.
- Great site, very useful to get kick started in different domains.
Asam, Copenhagen, Denmark. 28th. October 2004.
- At first I would like to thank You for such a useful page,
where I founded a lot of good start points for my work.
Egle, Vilnius, Lithuania. 25th. October 2004.
- Thank you, this is great and really appreciated.
Donovan, Johannesburg, South Africa. 24th. October 2004.
- I must really commend the work you have done on this site.
This site helped me answer a lot of bugging questions.
Thank you very much. Please keep up the good work.
Adaeze, Nigeria. 21st. October 2004.
- I'm really really impressed by your website on database modelling.
Wendy, Shepton Mallet, England. 20th. October 2004.
- Great thanks for your work in database answers.
It is a very important web site and i use it as a teacher at University in Jordan.
Best Regards
Dr.Rehab, Amman, Jordan. 19th. October 2004.
- I am very glad that you offer such nice work of yours for free. This is really going to help me a lot.
Thanks much in advance.
Best regards.
Rudi, Skopje, Macedonia. 18th. October 2004.
- I've learnt more from your site in 5 minutes from your data models.
Thank you
Mark, Canberra, Australia. 16th. October 2004.
- Thank you for all the stuff on your site...a very good resource !
Believe me: your models is a good starting point for many many database situations.
Thank you again barry....u r t h e m a n !
Ciao ciao.
Enrico, Milan. Italy. 15th. October 2004.
- Thanks for your Web Site and I appreciate your great work.
Larry Neis, Seattle, Washington. 13th October 2004.
- Your website is a really useful resource.
Many thanks.
Peter, Windsor, England. 12th. October 2004.
- Thanks. A web site full of good stuff.
I already saved this site into my favorite folder.
Ada, Hong Kong. 10th. October 2004.
- Greetings from the Philippines !
More power to you and your wonderfulwebsite !
Henry, Manila,the Philippines. 9th. October 2004.
- Keep up the good work and more power.
Thanks so much.
John, New York, NY. 8th. October 2004.
- You have a great site here full of information !
It's greatly appreciated.
Jack, Brevard County, Florida. 7th. October 2004
- Your Data Models are wonderful.
Arbogast, Dar Es salaam,Tanzania. 6th. October 2004
- This website looks great so far... lots of info to read.
Thanks and Kind regards,
Michelle, Ryde, New South Wales, Australia. 17th. September 2004.
- I found your site and I see it to be an invaluable asset.
Thanks for giving. I too believe in always giving back.
Darrin, Fort Worth, Texas. 15th. September 2004.
- Hello, Thanks for the wonderful schema source.
Steve, Atlanta, Georgia. 13th. September 2004.
- I really thank you for the kick-start data models and your work.
Jesse, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. 12th. Sept 2004.
- Thanks to God who has given you a brilliant mind
and professional knowledge along with an ambition to serve the community.
Thanks and best regards.
Ashfaq, Al-Khobar, Saudi Arabia. 11th. September 2004.
- You have really done a wonderful work.
I have no proper wordings to appreciate your efforts.
Thanks a lot.....I will never forget this web site and ur good efforts.
Amir, Lahore, Pakistan. 10th. September 2004.
- I am writing a quick note to commend you on a very informative website,
I stumbled across it yesterday via Google.
Anil, Chester, New Jersey. 8th. September 2004.
- It was simply great going thru ur work and the directions u have chosen in presenting them
Your effort in this regard is highly appreciated.
Anand, Bombay, India. 7th. September 2004.
- I have visited your website and I am really greatfull that it exists.
It is really nice and informative.
Erfan, Cairo, Egypt. 6th. September 2004.
- Excellent site, by the way!
Orlando, Caracas, Venezuela. 2nd. September 2004.
- You guys have a great website ! Thanks a whole lot.
Simo, Pablo, Montana. 1st. September 2004.
- Thanks so much--your site has been very helpful !
Jenn, New York, New York. 28th. August 2004.
- May the Lord bless you abundantly exceedingly.
Thank you very much for the databases you gave me .They were very helpful.
Julianah, Zimbabwe. South Africa. 27th. August 2004.
- I am so amazed that you offer your help to total strangers.
Thank you !
Monika, Helsinki, Finland. 26th. August 2004.
- You have a wonderful website there.
Gauri, Denver, Colorado. 25th. August 2004.
- I enjoy your web site. Thank You !
Joe, Louisville, Kentucky. 25th. August 2004.
- I found your web site and thought it was great.
The content is informative and the layout is easy to navigate.
Best regards,
Ignazio, New Jersey. 24th. August 2004.
- Thanks ever so much for your quick response !
Kudos to you and thanks for caring!
Steve, Springfield, Vermont. 23rd. August 2004.
- I am aware of your generosity. Thank You and more power!
Yours Truly,
Edicio, Manila, Philippines. 22nd. August 2004.
- I have just discovered your site and the "databaseanswers" is a depth of knowledge.
Site has been booked marked, and it's the gem discovery for the month.
Ed, Sydney, Australia. 18th. August 2004
- Thank you for your outstanding contribution and generous offer to provide a database for the asking.
Clinton, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 14th. August 2004.
- I'm so amazed of your effort, it's really nice to see that huge amount of information for free.
i would like to take this opportunity to thank you for this and also ask you for a help.
Abdullah, Kuwait. 12th. August 2004.
- I just want to say.. Great website.. one of the best in the world !!!
Great wealth of knowledge and experience.
God bless you for sharing.
More Power to you !!
Melissa, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. 10th. August 2004
- Your Site is really Helpfull for so many people like me around the world.....
My hearty thanks to you sir.
Ananth, Dallas, Texas. 6th. August 2004
- i happened across your site purely by accident..and I was astounded by your wealth of knowledge.
i'm just learning about data modelling, and believe me.you site is bookmarked...for future reference : )..
Mario, Trinidad and Tobago. 6th. August 2004
- Well done. I am very happy to see this site.
Keep it up.
Rashid, Islamabad, Pakistan. 5th. August 2004
- Thanks ... your data modelling looks great -- better than I can do for sure!
Jim, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. 4th. August 2004
- Thanks so much for your very informative site.
Steve, Hoboken, New Jersey. 3rd. August 2004
- I have been searching for a site like this !
Thanks a lot.
Andrew, Cambridge, England. 2nd. August 2004
- I wanted to thank you for your generosity with your site. This has been so helpful.
James, Oxford, England. 29th. July 2004
- Thank you !! -- you have provided the missing piece for me.
Kathy, San Francisco, California. 25th. July 2004
- Thanx a lot. Your design is saving me a lot of time!!
Thanx for your “giving back”attitude.
I hope I can do the same when I have some experience to give back.
René, Costa Rica. 23rd. July 2004.
- Great Site !
Gloria, Merthyr Tydfil, Wales, UK. 22nd. July 2004
- Let me compliment you on your website. Nice work!
Daniel, Stavanger, Norway. 20th. July 2004
- Hi - great site
Trevor, Birmingham, England. 20th. July 2004
- What a stunning site you are developing !
I was impressed by your way of thinking about databases.
It seems like you are really enjoying your work in data models.
Kim, Seoul, Korea. 18th. July 2004
- I wanted to say thank you for providing such wonderful data models.
You are an angel for providing them for free!
Your data model for not-for-profits is perfect.
Summer, Jersey City, NJ, USA. 18th. July 2004.
- Thank you very much for making this fascinating website available.
Edward, Shreveport, Louisiana. 17th. July 2004.
- Appreciate for your kind and great service.
Mohammed, Saudi Arabia. 14th. July 2004
- Really like your site -it's superb.
The new Shrek 2 data model is funny. I liked it.
Susan, Melbourne, Florida. 14th. July 2004.
- thanks for this nice site.
Linda, Stockholm, Scandinavia. 13th. July 2004
- Your Site is a great starting point for rookies like me.
Bless you. And I wish you much continued success.
Sadiki, Las Vegas, Nevada. 13th. July 2004
- This is a great site.
The first I thank you very much. I am very happy when I visit your website. It’s very useful.
I’m learning more from it.
Le Ba Thanh, Vietnam. 12th. July 2004
- Thank you for a very helpful website.
Dario, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. 8th. July 2004
- Let me say that your site Rocks !
Ronnie, Montreal, Canada. 4th. July 2004
- Good day to you! I've been to your website and find it very insightful.
If I may say, it's really wonderful for you to put up the website and share your views.
I can hardly find websites like this anywhere. Really appreciate your work!
Mike, Canberra, Australia. 28th. June 2004
- I am very impressed with your Database answers web site.
I found it fascinating. Have a great weekend !
Terry, Folsom, California. 26th. June 2004
- I think your site is quite uniquely excellent, not least for the very professional models that you provide.
The site design is also very attractive with the various photos.
I can't really see where your site could be improved.
Best wishes,
Paul, Rome, Italy. 19th. June 2004
- Thanks for your cordial cooperation with my database research in Bangladesh Stock market.
Masud, Xiamen University, China. 15th. June 2004
- Your website is awesome.
It really helps me to develop the database that I need for my work.
Thank you so much,
Lisa, New Haven, Connecticut. 14th. June 2004.
- I am lucky to have discovered your site.
It's been nice having your models to check for practice.
Janet, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. 13th. June 2004
- thanks for all the hard work and effort.
kind regards
Malcolm, Dublin, Ireland. 12th. June 2004
- Thank you and congratulations for a great site !
Marc, Belgium. 11th. June 2004
- Your web site looks great and full of useful solutions.
Roy, Bristol, England. 10th. June 2004
- It is rare in this day and age to find someone with such an idea.
May God Bless you.
Kind regards,
Jerry, Enfield, England. 9th. June 2004.
- I think it's great that you are willing to help others "get started".
Thank you.
Nancy, Madison, Wisconsin. 7th. June 2004
- I have enjoyed your models to gain more insight.
And your database design tools comparison is equally interesting.
don, Fairbanks, Alaska. 6th. June 2004
- Thanks for sharing your data models with others.
David, Irvine, California. 5th. June 2004
- Thank you for providing such a very usefull infirmation for Data Modelling and Database Designing.
Anil, Mumbai, India. 3rd. June 2004
- Fantastic is the only word that can describe your site !!
Steve, Darwin, Australia. 31st. May 2004
- Your site is great. A wealth of info.
Thanks for your site and cheers,
Pat, Canberra, Australia. 28th. March 2004
- Thanks so much. Nice website!
Brian, New York City, NY, USA. 26th. May 2004
- i have seen your work and it's very impresive. i find your site very helpful.
Najam, KL, Malaysia. 24th. May 2004
- What an enormous amount of work you’ve put in here!
Many,many thanks for your help!
Best regards
Guy, Norway. 20th. May 2004
- Thank you very much!!! You have no idea how you help me!!!
I am very greateful.
Joanna, Poland. 16th. May 2004
- I was researching databases and came across your site - very helpful indeed.
Thank you.
Mark, Oxford, England. 15th. May 2004
- i would like to thank you for the splendid work you are doing.
Roy, Zimbabwe, Africa. 10th. May 2004
- Thanks ..your advice was really a great help for me.
Nasrullah, Dhahran. 9th. May 2004
- Thank you for your free service to the many people who use your service in many parts of this world
Best wishes
Mohmoud, UK. 9th. May 2004
- thanks - all i wanted to say is "i really appreciate you setting up that website! thanks!"
i did peeked at your website - and what a load of treasure... yes, so much to learn from...
i really love it!!! thanks.
CyberShadow, Tokyo, Japan. 5th. May 2004
- i really found ur site very helpful and useful.
It's really a great mean of taking advantages of several years of experience.
it retains the user interest very much.
Syed, Karachi, Pakistan. 1st. May 2004
- The pharmacy model you've done is great.
Sealan, London, England. 29th. April 2004
- A great site.
Thank you.
Zameer, Dubai, 29th. April 2004
- Thank you for your wonderful site of ideas.
Tom, Sunnyvale, California. 28th. April 2004
- What an exellent site!!!!!!! I wish I found this much sooner.
awesome site!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bill, Canberra, Australia. 27th. April 2004.
- Thanks for building this site. It really helped me a lot.
This database site is very interesting
Rosy, Cambridge, England. 27th.April 2004.
- Thank you for your website, it has been very informative.
Best Regards,
Jeremy, Oxford, England. 26th. April 2004.
- Your website www.databaseanswers.com is really helpful to the designers of the database.
Ramesh, India. 24th. July 2004
- I am very much pleased to see your collection of Data Models, it is really amazing and very very useful.
Your approach is really professional.
Ravi, Islamabad, Pakistan. 23rd. April 2004
- Your website is very impressive.
Meng, Texas State University, USA. 20th. April 2004.
- I must say you have produced excellent data models.
Jay, Bristol, England. 19th. April 2004.
- I absolutely love your ERD.
Nice, Plano, Texas. 18th. April 2004
- I have found your site very useful from a teachers point of view.
Bharat, New Delhi, India. 15th. April 2004
- I'm really impressed by your website.
Sophie, San Francisco. 14th. April 2004.
- I just found your wonderful site today.
Annette, St. Croix County, Wisconsin. 15th. April 2004.
- I really like your site and your thoughts behind it.
Thanks in advance and keep up the good work!
Kind regards,
Mark, Zandvoort, The Netherlands. 12th. April 2004.
- Thanks a million !!!
Derek, Lower Slaughter, Oxford, England. 10th. April 2004.
- Your suggested model was a great help.
Thanks again
Nicos, Willow Brook, UK. 8th. April 2004.
- Thanks for such a helpful site.
Harley, Carol Stream, Illinois. 7th. April 2004
- Thanks for your brilliant work for people.
Waheed, Lahore, Pakistan. 3rd. April 2004.
- Thanks so much for your list of Data Modelling Tools.
I found it most enlightening.
Thanks again and keep up the great work.
Tony, Chicago, Illinois. 2nd.April 2004.
- Am impressed by your site.
Ted, Perth, Australia. 1st. April 2004.
- Firstly I wanna say what resourceful site U have.
It is such a nice way to give back to db society.
Luz, Romania. 1st. April 2004.
- Gidday from NZ...just been looking at your excellent site,
and finding answers to many of my database problems.
Paul, Wellington, New Zealand. 31st. March 2004.
- This is a GREAT site
Brian, USAF. 28th. March 2004.
- I like your web site very much. It is good to look at and well designed.
It's very easy to navigate. My favorite part is all of it!
Suzanne, Frankfort, Kentucky. 27th. March 2004
- Your site is very resourceful
Aimee, London, England. 26th. March 2004.
- I think the website that you have created is great
and can help a lot of people and organisations designing databases.
I appreciate your input for others.
Zubair, Lahore,Pakistan. 20th. March 2004
- Thank you for you interesting hotel data model which made me think twice about mine!
I'm glad that I stumbled accross your site.
Daniel, Northumberland, England. 18th. March 2004
- May I just congratulate you on a very good and helpful site.
I am trying to develop a database and found your website most helpful.
Thank you very much,
Gary, Birmingham, England. 16th. March 2004
- Thank you for your assistance. I found your site very interesting and helpful.
Christopher, Kissimmee, Florida. 14th. March 2004
- thank-q ur a life saver.
Manika, Lexington, Kentucky. 14th. March 2004
- Hi, Your site is an excellent source to learn about the creation of databases.
Onur, Turkey. 13th. March 2004
- ur are gr8.cheers
Great work!!, it is so excellent when people share this kind of knowledge-it is admirable.
Ur a gem for Database enthusiasts everywhere.
Mickey, Cape Town, South Africa. 10th. March 2004
- I really appreciate your site. Things are set out in a logical way that is easy to understand.
Thanks !
Terry, Auckland, New Zealand. 7th. March 2004
- Your web site has been so helpful to me ... I appreciate it very much.
Thank you, a loyal fan.
Leoner, 6th. March 2004.
- How wonderful. Again, thank you so very much.
Jean, Mount Dora, Florida. 5th. March 2004
- I really like your web site it's so nice and pretty and helps me lots.
Thanks a lot mate you are a star.
Daniel, Bristol, England. 4th. March 2004
- Thank you again for your help. Your website was a lifeline for me.
Kiz, Leicester, UK. 4th. Match 2004
- I have to say its a really cool thing that you are doing. Keep it up!
Kiran, Miami, Florida. 2nd. March 2004
- Hi, just want to say you have a wonderful resource in the data model section.
I have found your data models to be of great help.
Shaun, Cape Town, South Africa. 1st. March 2004
- You guys are doing a great job. Keep it up.
Manish, Overland Park, Kansas. 28th. February 2004
- I'm very impressed by your site. Many Thanks
Andrew :-) , Edinburgh, Scotland. 27th. February 2004
- Thanks for the links and for the great site.
Dan, Lake Mary, Florida, USA. 26th. February 2004
- Thanks, I like your site by the way its really informative.
Lee, Lyme Regis, Dorset, UK. 26th. February 2004
- I just found your website, and it has helped me so much.
Margaret, Ottawa, Canada. 26th. February 2004.
- I would like to thank you whole-heartedly for how much you contribute to the community
on your own time. It is rare to see such "free" assistance these days and is quite refreshing.
Great site, indeed!
Kind regards,
Greg. Tampa Bay, Florida. 25th. February 2004
- I would just like to say how incredibly helpful you have been, and
how very impressed I am by your web site!
It has been the most informative I have come across so far, and
what is all the more refreshing is that you offer your help for free!
Elisa, Wales, UK. 24th. February 2004
- The site is attractive and easy to navigate, you sure did a wonderful job.
Nkechi, Nigeria. 22nd. February 2004
- I admire the fact that you have put all those Kick Start models up and
are so willing to help others out of the goodness of your heart.
Jim, New York City, USA. 21st. February 2004
- I love the kick start models you have on your site.
Jackie, Austin, Texas. 20th. February 2004
- Respected Barry - I wish you all the best in your life and keep doing the good work.
Imran, Pakistan. 20th. February 2004
- Your data model overview is very enlightening, especially to a newbie.
Phil, Leeds, England. 19th. February 2004
- I appreciate your web site. I just found it today but feel very excited
about the solution to my problem that you have provided.
Al, St.Louis, Missouri, USA. 18th. February, 2004
- Thanks very much for your suggestions/input - greatly appreciated.
What a top web site/resource you have there.
Thank you - will ponder your ideas.
Mark, Canberra, Australia. 17th. February 2004
- Thank you so much for you help.
Tony. Baltimore, Maryland. 16th. February 2004
- Your site of ERP information is very helpful. Thanks for your great job.
Cristi, Long Beach. California. 15th. February 2004
- Excellent. many many thanks.
Hobo Jawa, Tatuin, Fiji, South Pacific. 14th. February 2004
- Thanx for the whole lot of info you volunteered for the good of the others.
Abdullahi, Egypt. 14th. February 2004
- Thanks, for putting some extraordinary work online.
i find your website really interesting.
Beto, Manila, Phillipines. 13th. February 2004
- :) hi- your website is great!
Ben, Sydney, Australia. 12th. February 2004
- As a database enthusiast, i really appreciate your work.
I have been using your examples to teach myself and improve my database design skills.
Keep up the fantastic work. A great contribution to the database community
Kind Regards
Asif, Salford, UK. 6th. February 2004
- Your work is great and very helpful. Thanks for being generous to share.
Ali, Jakarta, Indonesia. 2nd. February 2004
- While searching the web for help I came across your site and the wonderful resources you offer.
Adrian, Grenada. West Indies. 2nd. February 2004
- The website's great...
Phil, London, England. 30th. January 2004
- Thank you for your great job you’ve done. It makes in many cases life easier.
Staszek, Warsaw, Poland. 27th. January 2004.
- Greetings Barry, I really appreciate your site - the layout and photos are great
- especially as it is actually combined with Content!
Heard about you from a posting at http://www.dbforums.com.
Pete, New South Wales, Australia. 21st. January 2004
- I've just discovered your website. Very cool! Thanks again.
Eli, Alameda County, California. 15th. January 2004
- By the way I really like your website and it is a tremendous help.
Bob, Scottsdale, Arizona. 14th. January 2004
- Thank you, thank you, thank you.
I left your site about 4:00 this morning and definitely was blessed.
Peter, Albany, Georgia. 9th. January 2004
- Your website has been really helpful to me and my colleagues.
Dave, Liverpool, England. 9th. January 2004
Mike, New Jersey, US. 6th. January 2004
- I would like to congratulate you on a brilliant Web Site.
Simon, Nottingham, England. 2nd. January 2004
- Thank you for your Web Site. It made clear a lot of things!!
Wish you well and all the best in life!!!!!
If my project returns some money,I will donate some to
you so you'll be able to help others in their start-ups.
Best regards,
Vlad, Transylvania. 29th. October 2003.
- Great site, with lots of practical information.
Thanks again,
Jamie, Springfield, Missouri. 5th. September 2003
- I find your web-site very useful. Thank you for the database.
It was very useful for me.
Jeroen, Holland. 3rd. September 2003
- Thank you! You and your site very help me in understanding database modeling fundamentals.
I wish you good luck too :)
Pi, Romania, 2nd. September 2003
- This is a great site and a great service you are providing!!
Brian, London, England. 18th.August 2003
- Thanks for the quick response. This is a great service you are providing.
John, New York, USA. 9th. August 2003
- I just want to thank you for your site. Thanks to you I have a guide.
Keep up the good work
Tanya, San Jose, California. 8th. August 2003
- Thank you in advance for all your help.... your site is great!
Tamara, New York City, New York. 30th. July 2003
- I very much enjoyed looking at the various data models on your web site.
Thank you.
Adrianne, Worcester, UK. 24th. July 2003
- I found your site and love the data models you have created.
David, London, England. 24th. July 2003
- I just visited your website and found it very,very productive.
Hope you keep doing the good work.
May your live long and lead happiest of life.
Imran, Pakistan. 22nd. July 2003
- I think it's great that you do this.
Thanks again.
Jeremy, New orleans, Louisiana. 22nd. July 2003
- It is really cool that you exist!
The site is great to look at. It was easy to navigate.
The best thing about the site is that it exists at all!
Philip, San Diego, California. 22nd. July 2003
- I love your site ! Thank you very much !
Matthew, Australia. 19th. July 2003
- I love your site.
It is a great resource for me as a young person trying to learn the basics of database design.
Thanks much,
Earl, Chicago, Illinois. 11th. July 2003
- Thanks a lot for all the work you put on www.databaseanswers.com.
It is a great value to see applications from many different areas and
think about the provided solutions.
Phillip, Switzerland, 25th. June 2003
- Your URL is great and I can learn a lot from your physical and conceptual data models.
Alan, Australia. 19th. June, 2003.
- Great website by the way. This kind of thing can really come in handy!
Niels, Holland. 13th. June 2003
- Great and very helpful site.
Panos, Greece. 11th.June 2003
- Just want to say, Great work. You are offering a really good service.
Ian, Australia. 10th. June 2003
- Congratulations for your wonderful job.
I think that the site provides useful information and great
assistance to all those looking for "Database Answears".
Nickos, Greece. 9th. June 2003
- Great site. Please keep it up.
Warm Regards,
David, New York, USA. 3rd. June 2003
- THANK YOU VERY MUCH for the Database!!!
Gregor, University of Maribor, Slovenia. 3rd. June 2003
- ... your website is breathtakingly informative.
Your obvious joy and passion in what you do comes out in every page of your website which is
exceedingly refreshing to see.
Your library of data models is a great resource.
Also, your extensive Site Map pages will help me become more proficient in Databases in general
Thank you for making this available to the public
John, Dallas, Texas. 27th. May 2003
- Your impressive site with all of those databases designs jumped out at me
when I was looking for help.
Joel, Wyoming, USA. 23rd. May 2003.
- Thank you very much for the Database. It very much appreciated.
Charles, Canada. 21st. May 2003
- Thank you for the data model, it is really useful.
I was really pleased to find your website.
Apart from the help you have provided, your site has some great content.
Thanks again for your time and if I'm ever in a position to
recommend your services (paid of course) I will be sure to do so.
Mike, Liverpool, England. 12th. May 2003
- Thank you for replying to my question Barry. It was a great help!
So I thank you once again, you were a great help.
Yours sincerely
Tess, Australia. 10th. May 2003
- Thank you for the excellent data modelling site.
Nick, England. 5th. May 2003
- Thanks a lot for your efforts and time.
It was really helpful for me to completely understand the E-R diagram.
I don't have any words to appreciate your work.
Pradeep, India, 4th. May 2003
- Your site is a revelation. I just love the amazing ideas,layout and range of DB Answers.
God bless you!
Pete, Derby, England, 25th. April 2003
- This is great stuff !
Karl, Atlanta, Georgia, 23rd. April 2003
- Thanks. I love your website, it has been very valuable.
Leah, Washington, DC 21st. April 2003
- Great site - Keep up the good work!
Mike, Wisconson 17th. April 2003
- Thanks for this great service!
Andrew, England 14th. April 2003
- The simple, concise explanation you gave me was exactly what I was looking for.
Your site is a god-send to me, like having a free database university.
Thank you a thousand times for this outstanding site.
Reba, Arizona. 9th. April 2003.
- Thank you for developing your outstanding web-site.
Bill, Thunder Bay, Ontario,Canada. 30th. March 2003.
- I very much like your site ... You are my new mentor!
Emily, 29th.March 2003
- Thanks, your help was fantastic !!
Katie, Canada. 27th. March 2003
- Thanks for the website - great resource.
Joe, California. 14th. March 2003
- Thanks a lot
Stefano, Italy. 3rd. March 2003
- I have found your model particularly useful and was very impressed
with the other models on your site.
Jacqui, Australia. 22 February 2003
- Peace be upon you - was browsing and found your site - nice efforts.
Thanks and regards
Talha, Pakistan. 14th. February 2003.
- Your site is exactly what I needed
tells what a dba is, what skills are needed, what kinds of jobs you
can get using db development/management skills, everything.
If you had sat down and designed a site custom-tailored
to my specs, you couldn't have done a better job.
I combed the Web looking for information I needed ...
... then I found your site. EVERYTHING is there, exactly as I
need and want it.
Keep it up!
Rebecca, Texas
- A most useful web site
Well done and please keep adding to the Data Models.
Clive, England
- I am very impressed with your helpful and easy to use site
It is easy to understand and use to its full potential.
Laura, England
Barry Williams
Founder and Principal Consultant
Database Answers