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Data Modelling University of Wyoming Tutorial by Professor Jim Thompson on 4th. and 5th. Normal Forms.
Oracle Training Oxford House (UK) Recommended - Excellent training at an affordable price, leading to Certification.
Online Training e-Learning Center Affordable at $139 for 12 months access to a wide range of Oracle Courses.
Online Training FreeSkills Online Training for $99 or £75/year, which includes Oracle
Online Training Guru I-School Looks good and Very affordable at $12 for a Course.
Offers online Oracle access that makes life very simple
If you use them please let us have your Comments.
Online Training WebMonkey An excellent starting-point for Database Tutorials.
Online Training WebMonkey Using Oracle with PHP.
Online Training IBM Learning Services "Web-Delivered Courses for Databases."
A Remarkable Range of courses in IBM,Oracle and Microsoft Database Products.
Online Training Data Modelling Tutorial NorthWestern University.
Online Training Data Modelling Tutorial University of Texas.
Online Training Database Design Especially for Medical Systems, from Robin Beaumont.
Online Training e-Training Site Malaysian - offering a wide range of Courses in Malay, English and Chinese.
Online Training Find Tutorials for Databases, including MySQL and Oracle, but the only Tutorial for Oracle is Developer 2000 Reports 2.5.
Online Training Free Tutorials   Promoted by Web Nests and provided by
Online Training A General Offering.
Online Training MySQL Tutorial Part 1 - Starting Out (by Web Shed - an excellent Site for Developers)
Online Training MySQL Tutorial Part 2 Looks at SELECT, etc..
Online Training MIT Software Engineering Not really Online Training, but anything from Philip Greenspun is worth looking at..
Online Training SmartForce e-Learning Solutions for the Human Enterprise.
Online Training Excellent Source.
Oracle Certification Certify Now for Internet Database Specialist
Oracle Certification - 0 CD for CBT from NetG
Oracle Certification - 1 CD for CBT from NetG
Oracle Certification - 2 Crammming Session to prepare for PL/SQL Exam
Oracle Certification - 3 For Exam 1z0-001, prepare with Jason Cochman's book (65%), Self-Testing Software STS(20%), BrainBuzz CramSession(2%) and Practice(13%).
Oracle TUSC Consultants Highly regarded Oracle Specialists.
Oracle Online Cram Session Recommended - but covers lots of ground as well as Oracle.
Oracle Online Underground Oracle FAQs Recommended
Oracle Online Oracle Notes Online Documents - also Jobs,etc..
Oracle Portal Oracle Portal Studio Develop Hosted Portal Appllications
Oracle Support TUSC Support TUSC again
Oracle Support Consultants ArtSoft
Oracle Support DBA Support Check This Out
Oracle Training Oracle Training Provided in a PDF File b y the University of California at Davis
Oracle Training Oracle Training FREE Remarkable !!!
Oracle Training Oracle Tutorials Rutgers and CUNY
Oracle Database Tools Soft Tree Tech - Looks good
Oracle Online Documentation For Oracle 8.0.5 - Courtesy of Philip Greenspun
Oracle Online Documentation For Oracle 8i - Courtesy of Philip Greenspun
Oracle Online Training Aris Online
Oracle Online Training Cyber Learning Universe
Oracle Online Training DB Domain - Looks very good - Consider Subscribing
Oracle Online Training Headlight - includes Data Modelling
Oracle Online Training PlanetLearn - covers a wide range
Oracle Online Training Richard Holowczak, Rutgers University
SQL First SQL First SQL specializes in Java/SQL Object/Relational Systems.
UML Tutorials & Tools An excellent Site offering a range of Free UML Tutorials and Tools

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