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  Components in the BMEWS System

BMEWS stands for 'Best Practice Monitoring and Early Warning System'.
A Template exists for each of the Generic Entities in this Table, and this Template
is used by all the associated Sub-Types.
Here's an analysis of the BMEWS Components Framework, and Priorities.

  Here are Links to current Components of BMEWS

Check Links in turn to see examples of BMEWS Facilities
The Facilities in the BMEWS Approach :-
Best Practice This can also be SOPs, Tutorials and e-Learning.
Future Work Covering Users, Communities, Clients and Projects.
Communities Communities include Registered Users.
Compliance An increasingly important area.
Data Dictionary Inventory of all Data and Information in an Organisation.
Data Models Over 500 to choose from, with many Customer-related.
KPIs KPI Definitions for ICT in Education.
Future Work Covering Users, Communities, Clients and Projects.
Templates A very important set of Building Blocks.
Projects Define a Generic Project Entity.
Assignments Extends the Generic Project Entity.
Organizations Define a Generic Party Entity.
Clients Extends a Generic Party Entity.
Donors Extends a Generic Party Entity.
Employers Extends a Generic Party Entity.
Partners Extends a Generic Party Entity.
Suppliers Extends a Generic Party Entity.
Individuals Define a Generic Individual Entity.
Administrators Extends a Generic Person Entity.
Consultants Extends a Generic Person Entity.
Staff Extends a Generic Person Entity.
Users Users Login Page.
Users User Profile.
Transactions Scenarios and Events of Significance.
Become a Donor Subsequently change or terminate.
Make a Donation Subsequently change or cancel.
Create a new Project Subsequently change or terminate.
Join a Community Subsequently change or leave.

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