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Self-Service POC for BI for Telecomms   
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User Interaction Interaction Manager Data Architecture
1. This is a Business-oriented Conceptual Model

Conceptual Model for Telecomms
2. A Semantic Layer is a business translation layer that sits between 
the database and the end user. 

This means that Users can define their Reporting requirements using familiar business terminology instead of Self-Service POC for BIler terms. For example, 'Customer' instead of 'Party'. We have also designed :-
  • Compoments in a Semantic Layer
  • Data Mart for Markets and Brands
  • Data Mart with Conformed Dimensions
  • a Dimensional Model / Data Mart with data for Reports and BI

  • 3. This is our Refernce Data Architecture

    Conceptual Model for Telecomms
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    Self-Service POC for BI for Telecomms
    This is how data is organised in the Data Warehouse

    Self-Service POC for BI for Telecomms

    Barry Williams
    Principal Consultant
    Database Answers Ltd.
    London, England
    August 5th. 2014

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