Database Answers TM Information Framework (Click for large image)
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Data Model for Telecomms   
An Access Database is available on demand.
The Specifications have been provided in a question to Database Answers.
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If you are new to Data Models, this page of my new Tutorial will help you understand the Data Model.
Here is our Business Data Model, Customer Centric Data Model, and our Tutorial on How to build a Telecomms Data Warehouse with an Anonymous Model.

This is a Business-oriented Conceptual Model

Conceptual Model for Telecomms
This shows the ERD for the Conceptual Model shown above on the left

ERD Data Model for Telecomms
A Semantic Layer is a business translation layer that sits between the database and the end user. 

This means that Users can define their Reporting requirements using familiar business terminology instead of Data Modeller terms. For example, 'Customer' instead of 'Party'. We have also designed :-
  • Compoments in a Semantic Layer
  • Data Mart for Markets and Brands
  • Data Mart with Conformed Dimensions
  • a Dimensional Model / Data Mart to provide data for Reports and Business Intelligence.
  • Self-Service BI POC Proof-of-Concept
    An interesting perspective is shown in the Information Framework from the TM Forum, and here is Wikipedia's entry for the Telecomm Consortium's Frameworx Shared Information/ Data Model.

  • Barry Williams
    Principal Consultant
    Database Answers Ltd.
    London, England
    July 11th. 2015

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